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Is $\mathfrak q_0$ equal to the smallest cardinality of a second-countable $T_1$-space which is not a $Q$-space?

A topological space $X$ is a $Q$-space if every subset of $X$ is of type $G_\delta$. The smallest cardinality of a metrizable separable space which is not a $Q$-space is denoted by $\mathfrak q_0$ and ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Examples of independent $\Sigma_4^1$ statements

As in the title, I'm looking for examples of $\Sigma^1_4$ (preferably complete) sentences which are independent from ZFC in both ways, namely given a model $V$ we can extend it to $V'$ where such a ...
Jarek Swaczyna's user avatar
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Is there a universally meager air space?

Let $\mathcal P$ be a family of nonempty subsets of a topological space $X$. A subset $D\subset X$ is called $\mathcal P$-generic if for any $P\in\mathcal P$ the intersection $P\cap D$ is not empty. A ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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K-analytic spaces whose any compact subset is countable

A regular topological space $X$ is called $\bullet$ analytic if $X$ is a continuous image of a Polish space; $\bullet$ $K$-analytic if $X$ is the image of a Polish space $P$ under an upper ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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