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17 votes
3 answers

Examples of the Thurston geometries with transitive Lie group action

Here are some examples of compact homogeneous 3 manifolds for different Thurston geometries: (1) Spherical: $\mathbb{S}^3 \cong \mathrm{SU}_2$ modulo any finite subgroup (2) Euclidean: 3 torus $\...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Hyperbolic $3$-manifold groups that embed in compact Lie groups

Is there a closed hyperbolic $3$-manifold whose fundamental group is isomorphic to a subgroup of some compact Lie group? It is known that every surface group can be embedded into any semisimple ...
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
7 votes
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Can a hyperbolic manifold be a product?

I was interested in whether a manifold which admits a metric of constant sectional curvature can be homotopy equivalent to a product of non-contractible manifolds. Of course, there are three cases: ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
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Ergodicity of action of finite index subgroups in the boundary

Let $\Gamma < \operatorname{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})= \text{Isom}^+(\mathbb{H^2})$ be a discrete subgroup. Suppose $\Gamma$ acts ergodically on the boundary of the hyperbolic plane $\partial{\mathbb{H}^2}...
shurtados's user avatar
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Hyperbolic manifolds with infinite cyclic fundamental group

It is a well known fact that there is a correspondence between complete hyperbolic $n$-manifolds up to isometry and discrete subgroups of isometries of the hyperbolic space $\mathbb{H}^n$ that act ...
Overflowian's user avatar
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Why can't a Lie group act transitively on a finite volume hyperbolic manifold?

In the comments on the MathSE question "Is Seifert-Weber space homogeneous for a Lie group?", it is claimed that if $ M $ is a manifold which admits a finite volume hyperbolic metric (...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
5 votes
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Matrices generating non-discrete subgroups of SL(2,R)

Jorgensen's inequality $\mid \left(Tr\left(A\right)\right)^2-4\mid+\mid Tr\left[A,B\right]-2\mid\ge 1$ gives a necessary condition for two matrices A,B to generate a discrete subgroup of SL(2,R). Are ...
ThiKu's user avatar
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Relation of geometric and polyhedral convergence

By Proposition 3.10(i) of Jorgensen and Marden's 1990 Algebraic and geometric convergence of Kleinian groups, "[A] sequence $\{G_n\}$ of Kleinian groups converges geometrically to a Kleinian ...
bergfalk's user avatar
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What is the connection between $\mathrm{AdS}_2$ and the hyperbolic plane $\mathbb{H}^2$?

What is the connection between $\mathrm{AdS}_2$ and the hyperbolic plane $\mathbb{H}^2$? Some sources seem to imply that they are the same, i.e. having at least the same symmetry group $\mathrm{SL}(2,...
eriugena's user avatar
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2 votes
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Classification of isometries of hyperbolic 3-space

Denote the upper half space by $\mathcal{H}_{3}=\Bbb{C}\times (0,\infty)$. A point $P \in \mathcal{H}_{3}$ is given as, $P=(z, t)=(x, y, t)=z+t j$ where $z=x+i y$ and $j=(0,0,1) .$ The group $P S L_{2}...
ersin's user avatar
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Structures on open surfaces

Let $\phi\in PSL(2,R)$ be hyperbolic and $\varphi\in PSL(2,R)$ be elliptic. Is it possible to find a local homeomorphism $f:H^2\rightarrow H^2$ such that $f(\phi(x))=\varphi(f(x))$ for all $x\in H^2$ ?...
Dan Gallo's user avatar
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A question from the paper "Hyperbolic rigidity of higher rank lattices" by Thomas Haettel

In the paper "Hyperbolic rigidity of higher rank lattices" by Thomas Haettel, the author has made the following statement in the proof of Corollary D in page no. 18 (
John Depp's user avatar
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