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Change of length of curve when Fenchel-Nielsen length coordinate increase

Let $F$ be a hyperbolic surface of finite type. Suppose $\alpha$ is a simple closed geodesic and $\beta$ is any closed geodesic intersecting $\alpha$. Consider a Fenchel-Nielsen coordinate of the ...
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Is triple point intersection 'generic' in Teichmuller space?

Let $S$ be a hyperbolic surface of finite type and $\alpha,\beta$ be two closed curves. Consider $X$ to be the set of all those points $\chi$ in the Teichmuller space $\mathcal{T}(S)$ of $S$ such that ...
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Existence of a geodesic on a non-orientable surface

Let $\Sigma$ be a non-orientable surface possibly with boundary or punctures. Is it possible that a one-sided loop in $\Sigma$ is always realized as a geodesic? In the orientable case, it is well-...
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Existence of special pants decompositions for non-elementary representations into PSL(2,R)

A Theorem by Gallo, Goldman and Porter states the following: Let $S_g$ be a closed orientable surface of genus $g$ with fundamental group $\Gamma_g$, and fix a non-elementary representation $\rho\...
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