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Lie theory for quantum groups?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SU{SU}$I know about quantum groups from two perspectives: Compact quantum groups in the sense of Woronowicz. Deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra in ...
user82261's user avatar
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Integral Milnor-Moore theorem

Given a field K of char. zero the theorem of Milnor Moore states that taking the enveloping hopf algebra defines an embedding $\mathcal{U} $ from Lie algebras over K into hopf algebras over K. Taking ...
Hadrian Heine's user avatar
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Lusztig's completion for universal enveloping algebra

In Arkhipov, Bezrukavnikov and Ginzburg's paper "Quantum Groups, the loop Grassmannian and the Springer resolution", they mentioned that Lusztig introduced a certain completion for universal ...
userabc's user avatar
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DGLA related to the deformation of hopf Algebras

Recently I was considering Hopf algebras and Drinfeld's twists. I stumbled upon a certain DGLA one can associate to a Hopf algebra (unital bialgebras actually) by copying the formulas obtained by ...
Niek de Kleijn's user avatar
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Is the "Toeplitz algebra" the representation ring of a Hopf algebra related to SU(2)?

More precisely, does there exist a Hopf algebra $H$ whose category of (finite-dimensional, complex) representations is generated under direct sum and tensor product by two one-dimensional ...
Qiaochu Yuan's user avatar
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Does the tensor algebra $T(V)$ of $V$ isomorphic to the symmetric algebra of the free Lie algebra over $V$?

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space. Let $T(V)$ be the tensor algebra over $V$. Do we have $T(V) \cong S(Lie(V))$ as a graded vector space? Here $S(Lie(V))$ is the symmetric algebra of the ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Lusztig's definition of quantum groups

In his book Introduction to quantum groups, Lusztig gives a definition (Def 3.1.1) of the rational form $U^{\mathbb{Q}(q)}_q$ that is rather different from the usual approach (see [1,Ch.9.1] for ...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
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Explicit description of graded (counital) cofree cocommutative coalgebras

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic $p \neq 2$, and $V = \oplus V_{n}$ be a graded vector space over $k$. Then, can one compute the graded (counital) cofree cocommutative coalgebra $C(V)$ ...
user56909's user avatar
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Is there a classical version of Yetter-Drinfeld modules?

One motivation for the notion of the Drinfeld double $D(H)$ of an Hopf algebra $H$ is that it is defined exactly so that modules over $D(H)$ correspond to Yetter-Drinfeld modules over $H$. If we think ...
Antoine Labelle's user avatar
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Hopf algebras structure and quantum affine algebras

I'm looking for some information about the Hopf algebras structure and the quantum groups. In particularly I was wondering if (and eventually where) is defined in the case of quantum affine algebras ...
Mar Pao's user avatar
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It there a nice way to describe the structure of Malcev-complete groups?

Let $\mathbb k$ be a field of characteristic zero. The grouplike functor $\mathbb G$ from complete Hopf algebras to groups is a faithful functor. Its image is the category of Malcev-complete groups ...
J. Darné's user avatar
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Semisimple Lie algebras and the commutator algebra

Suppose $A$ is a associative unital $k$-algebra, where $\operatorname{char}k=0$. As is well-known, $A$ becomes a Lie algebra with respect to the commutator bracket $[x, y] = xy-yx$ for $x,y \in A$. ...
Paul Gilmartin's user avatar
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Primitive elements in Hopf algebras over the integers

Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra over $\mathbb Z$, and assume that $H$ is cocommutative, graded, generated in degree $1$, and connected (its degree-$0$ part is $\mathbb Z$). Are there nice, natural ...
grok's user avatar
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Embedding problems on quantum groups?

We work over the field of complex numbers. We have known that Lie algebra of type $A_2 $is a subalgebra of type $G_2$. However, when we consider their quantum groups, is this true i.e. does there ...
user11090426's user avatar
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Quantum invariant: The canonical $2$-tensor

In Chapter XVI Kassel introduces a proper definition of a quantum universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. (See definition XVI.5.1). Notice that a quantum enveloping algebra has a ...
Mathematician 42's user avatar
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universal enveloping algebras and commutator subalgebras

Let $A$ and $B$ are Lie subalgebras of a Lie algebra $L$. $U(A)$, $U(B)$ and $U(L)$ are the universal enveloping algebras of $A$, $B$ and $L$, respectively. Let $[A, B]$ be the Lie subalgebras ...
sife's user avatar
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How does $R \equiv 1\ (\text {mod}\ h)\ $?

Definition $:$ Let $H$ be a Hopf algebra. An invertible element $R \in H \otimes H$ is called a coboundary structure on $H$ if $(1)$ $\Delta^{\text {op}} = R \Delta R^{-1},$ $(2)$ $R_{21} = R^{-1},$ $(...
Anacardium's user avatar
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Problem in understanding Theorem $6.2.9$ from Chari and Pressley

The theorem I am referring to here says that if we start with a Lie bialgebra $\mathfrak g$ determined by some skew-symmetric element $r \in \mathfrak g \otimes \mathfrak g$ satisfying classical Yang-...
Anil Bagchi.'s user avatar
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Submodules of $V\otimes V^*$

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a simple finite-dimensional Lie algebra over $\mathbb{C}$ and let $U_q(\hat{\mathfrak{g}})$ be the corresponding quantum affine algebra (here $q$ is not a root of unity). We know ...
cl4y70n____'s user avatar
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The order of the antipode in a Hopf algebra

As a result of Radford, any finite-dimensional Hopf algebra an antipode of finite order. My question: How can we classify all finite-dimensional Hopf algebras whose antipode is identity? Here are ...
double-function's user avatar
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polynomial representation of $sl_{2}(k)$

Let $k$ be an algebraic closed field of characteristic 0. We write $$X=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 1\\ 0 & 0\\ \end{array} \right),~~ Y=\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0\\ 1 & 0\\ \...
0 votes
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Do the following two notions of quantum groups sometimes coincide?

On the one hand there is the notion of quantum groups due to Drinfeld and Jimbo. In there notion a quantum group is defined as a deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of a semisimple Lie ...
Raoul's user avatar
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Action of Hopf algebra of identity supported distributions on a Lie group

The Hopf algebra of identity supported distributions on a lie group is cocommutative. It is well known that it is a group object in the category of cocommutative coalgebras. Is there a canonical ...
Lefevres's user avatar
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Concrete examples of quantum duality principle

Let $G$ be a Poisson Lie group, $\mathfrak{g}$ be a Lie algebra of $G$, $G^*$ be a dual of $G$, $\mathscr{C}(G^*)$ be a Poisson algebra of $G^*$, and $U_h(\mathfrak{g})$ be a quantized universal ...
yohei ohta's user avatar
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Is $[n]_q!$ invertible in $\mathbb C [[h]]\ $?

Consider the Hopf algebra $U_h (sl_2 (\mathbb C))$ over the ring $\mathbb C [[h]]$ generated by $E, F, H$ and relations $:$ $$[H, E] = 2 E,\ \ [H, F] = - 2 F,\ \ [E, F] = \frac {q^H - q^{-H}} {q - q^{-...
Anacardium's user avatar
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How to show that quantum $sl_2 (\mathbb C)$ is a Hopf algebra deformation of $U (sl_2 (\mathbb C))\ $?

The quantum $sl_2 (\mathbb C)$ is the non-commutative, non-cocommutative Hopf algebra $U_h (sl_2 (\mathbb C))$ over the ring $\mathbb C [[h]]$ generated by $E, F$ and $H$ with the relations $:$ $$[H, ...
Anacardium's user avatar