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Find a Morita equivalent finite cell DG category

I am trying to understand the following statement: Suppose that $\mathcal{E}$ is a pre-triangulated proper DG category with a full exceptional collection. Then $\mathcal{E}$ is Morita equivalent to a ...
Harold Finch's user avatar
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Any news about equivalences of periodic triangulated or $\infty$-categories?

There is a very old question (October 2009) Equivalence of derived categories which is not Fourier-Mukai which has been bumped by improving links to the literature in one of the answers and attracted ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
3 votes
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Smallness condition for augmented algebras

I'm not sure this question is research level question. Sorry in advance. Hypothesis $k$ is a commutative ring. $A$ is an augmented $k$-algebra. $A^e$ is defined as the $k$-algebra $A\otimes_{k}A^{op}$...
Let's user avatar
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Kontsevich's derived noncommutative geometry and Rosenberg's noncommutative 'spaces'

It appears to me (though I may be wrong) that the common opinion is that the main difference between derived noncommutative geometry and Rosenberg's noncommutative 'spaces' is that Rosenberg's version ...
Doelt_k's user avatar
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Generators of unbounded derived categories of (quasi-)coherent sheaves

An object $T$ in a triangulated category $\mathcal{D}$ is called a generator if $T^\perp=0$, which means that for any nonzero $X$ in $\mathcal{D}$, there are $i\in\mathbb{Z}$ and a nonzero morphism $T[...
Andrea's user avatar
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Vanishing natural transformation exact triangle

This question is a follow-up to this question I asked some time ago. Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety of dimension $n$ over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $\omega \in H^{n}(X,K_X)$, $\omega \neq 0$. Let $$A ...
Libli's user avatar
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How to write down the determinant of a quasi-isomorphism?

This question about the determinant of a perfect complex reminded me of an old question that I had. The construction of the determinant (as in MR1914072 or MR0437541) is a difficult piece of ...
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