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Generalized edge map in spectral sequence of double complex

suppose we have a cohomologically indexed double complex $C^{\bullet,\bullet}$ with its spectral sequence $$E_2^{p,q}=H^p_{vert}(H^q_{horiz}(C))\Rightarrow H^{p+q}(C)$$ and suppose that the horizontal ...
xir's user avatar
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Leray spectral sequence and pullbacks

I am trying to find a reference for the following well-known result on the functoriality of the Leray spectral sequence: Let $\pi:X\to Y$ and $\pi':X'\to Y'$ be morphisms of schemes and denote by $E_2^...
Victor de Vries's user avatar
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Explicit computation of hyper Ext in terms of the homologies of the input chain complexes

This question was asked on math.stackexchange and didn't receive any traction, so I'm turning to the MO community. Hello! Let $C_{\bullet}$ and $D_{\bullet}$ be chain complexes of $R$-modules for some ...
Eric's user avatar
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Dimension three spectral sequences

If you have two triangulated functors $F,G$, you can compute the cohomology of $FG(-)$ in terms of the cohomology of $G(-)$ and the cohomology of $F(-)$, in terms of a ``Grothendieck spectral sequence'...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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Can we construct a filtered chain complex from a spectral sequence?

Suppose $\{(E_r,d_r)\}$ for $r>0$ forms a spectral sequence over a field $\mathbb{F}$, i.e. for any $r$, $(E_r,d_r)$ is a chain complex over $\mathbb{F}$ and $E_{r+1}=H(E_r,d_r)$. For simplicity, ...
Faniel's user avatar
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On the dual version of an isomorphism of spectral sequence term (from Cartan and Eilenberg)

I'm trying to take spectral sequences as a black box for application in commutative algebra and I admit that I haven't really gone through (or understand) all the proofs of all the isomorphisms ...
sdey's user avatar
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Cohomology of derived tensor product of complexes and Künneth spectral sequence

Let $R$ be any commutative ring, let $V^\bullet$ and $W^\bullet$ be (co)chain complexes of $R$-modules, indexed cohomologically. We can also assume that they have both cohomology in nonpositive ...
Francesco Genovese's user avatar
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Functoriality of filtered spectral sequences

What is the appropriate functoriality statement of a filtered chain map between filtered spectral sequences? Suppose that we have two filtered chain complexes $C,C'$ and a filtered chain map $f\colon ...
Onkar Singh Gujral's user avatar
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Edge map in derived categories

Let $\mathscr{A},\mathscr{B}$ be abelian categories, the first with enough projectives, together with a right-exact functor $F\colon \mathscr{A}\to\mathscr{B}$ (in my example, it is a tensor product, ...
Filippo Alberto Edoardo's user avatar
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For which exact couples do associated spectral sequences degenerate at $E_1$?

It is well known that a bigraded exact couple of objects of an abelian category yields a spectral sequence (cf. My ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Spectral sequences coming from filtrations (Postnikov systems) in triangulated categories: references and convergence

Let $c^i: M^{\ge i+1}\to M^{\ge i}$ for $i\in \mathbb{Z}$ be an sequence of morphisms in a triangulated category $C$ and assume that $M^{\ge i}$ are equipped with compatible morphisms into an object $...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
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Functoriality of Leray homology spectral sequences of fibrations

Let $p\colon E\to B$ and $p'\colon E'\to B'$ be two fibrations. Assume for simplicity that $B,B'$ are simply connected. Let we have morphism of these fibrations, i.e. two continuous maps $$f\colon E\...
asv's user avatar
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Cap product on Leray-Serre spectral sequences

Let $\ p:X\to B\ $ be a fibration of spaces with fiber $F$. Then there are homological and cohomological Leray-Serre spectral sequences $E^{r}_{pq}$ and $E_r^{pq}$ that converge to $H_*(X)$ and $H^*(...
Sergei Ivanov's user avatar
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A question on some computation of group cohomologies

Let $G=H\times J$, where $H\cong J\cong C_2$ (cyclic group of order 2). Let $M \cong \mathbb{Z}$ be a $G$-module via "trivial $H$-action and negation $J$-action". My question is "What are the group ...
Callum P Dunne's user avatar
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Do exact functors commute with spectral sequences ?

Let $F: \mathcal{A} \to \mathcal{B}$ be an exact covariant functor of abelian categories and let $$\mathscr{C}: A \to A \to B \to A$$ be an exact couple in $\mathcal{A}$ with corresponding spectral ...
Ralph's user avatar
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On the multiplicative structure in spectral sequences.

Let $f\colon X \rightarrow Y$ be a continuous map of sufficiently nice topological spaces (say, smooth manifolds). Let ${\cal F}=(\dots\rightarrow F_i \rightarrow F_{i+1}\to \dots)$ be a bounded ...
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