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Functorial classes in Brauer group

For a smooth variety $X$ over a perfect field of characteristics $p$ the sheaf of differential operators is an Azumaya algebra(etale locally is isomorphic to endomorphisms of its center, which is ...
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When do we have $\bigoplus_{i + j = n} R^i f_* \mathbb{Q}_\ell \otimes_{\mathbb{Q}_\ell} R^j g_* \mathbb{Q}_\ell \cong R^{i + j} h_* \mathbb{Q}_\ell$?

Milne, Étale Cohomology, theorem 8.5 states the following version of the Künneth formula (in slightly greater generality). Let $\Lambda$ be a finite commutative ring. Let $X, Y, S$ be schemes with $S$ ...
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Consistency of the u-invariant under field extension

A algebraic field extension L/k induces of homomorphism between the Wittrings. We get $\phi: W(k) -> W(L)$. If every anisotropic isometry class of $W(k)$ stays anisotropic, the kernel of $\phi$ ...
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