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Can Lagrangian fibrations have multiple fibres in codimension $1$?

I know that if $\pi: S \to \mathbb P^1$ is an elliptic fibration of a K3-surface $S$, then $\pi$ does not have multiple fibers. A proof of this can be found in Huybrechts' Lectures on K3 surfaces, ...
red_trumpet's user avatar
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Irreducibility of holomorphic symplectic quotients

Let a connected algebraic group $G$ (over $\mathbb C$, say) act Hamiltonianly on an algebraic symplectic variety $M$, with moment map $\Phi: M\to \mathfrak g^*$. In the example I care about, vaguely ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
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Local deformations of Lagrangian submanifolds in holomorphic symplectic manifold and their intersections

Let $Y\subset X$ be a Lagrangian submanifold in a holomorphic symplectic manifold $X$. We know that there exists a local moduli space $M$, which parametrizes lagrangian submanifolds in $X$(there are ...
Lya's user avatar
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Shape of the bubbling limit of holomorphic discs

I will present my question in the specifics I encountered it, so maybe some of the details are irrelevant for the desired conclusion. Consider $(S^2\times S^2,\omega_{std})$ the product of two ...
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