Questions tagged [hochschild-cohomology]

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16 votes
3 answers

Hochschild Cohomology of Differential Operators in characteristic 0

In Mariusz Wodzicki's paper "Cyclic homology of differential operators," the following result is mentioned: for $D_M$ the algebra of differential operators on a smooth manifold $M$ we have that $HH_n(...
KReiser's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

"Spec" of graded rings?

From the discussion at Hochschild cohomology and A-infinity deformations, it seems that general Hochschild cohomology classes correspond to deformations where the deformation parameter can have ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Applications of topological chiral homology and factorization algebras (aka higher Hochschild cohomology)

I recently heard a talk about these topics and found them very interesting. The talk was centered on the formal structure and didn't really focus on examples. So my question is: what is your favorite ...
Jacob Bell's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Relationship between Hochschild cohomology and Drinfeld centers

Let $HH_*(A,N)$ (or $HH^*(A,N)$) be the Hochschild homology (or cohomology) of an associative algebra $A$ with coefficients in an $A$-bimodule $N$. I was reading nlab's entry on Hochschild cohomology ...
Samuel M's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Hochschild cohomology and A-infinity deformations

When we are dealing with ordinary things or dg things (where thing = algebra or category), I think I understand how HH^2 corresponds to 1st order deformations and HH^3 corresponds to obstructions. ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Antisymmetrization of the Hochschild cocycle

Let $A$ be a commutative (unital, complex) algebra and let $\varphi$ be a $n+1$-linear functional on $A$ (we will call it cochain). Define $$(b\varphi)(a_0,a_1,...,a_{n+1}):=\sum_{j=0}^{n}(-1)^j\...
truebaran's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Normalization of Hochschild cocycles

Let $A$ be a unital algebra over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $C^n(A)$ be the space of all $n+1$-linear maps $f:A^{n+1} \to \mathbb{C}$ (to be called $n$-cochains). Define $b:C^n(A) \to C^{n+1}(A)$ by the ...
truebaran's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

A Question on Koszul duality and $B(\infty)$ structures on $HH^*$

The following theorem is known from a paper "Duality in Gerstenhaber Algebras" by Felix, Menichi, Thomas. Given a simply connected space X of finite type. There is an equivalence of Gerstenhaber ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is there an analogue of the module of differentials for "higher order derivations" in the Hochschild/cyclic senses?

Note added by YC: the definition below of the cyclic sub-complex is incorrect; and the "higher order derivations" referred to here are traditionally known (since the 1940s) as n-cocycles. $\...
Emily's user avatar
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