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$H$ self-adjoint with mass gap, $P≥0,Ω∈D(P),H+λP$ self-adjoint $⟹$ for $λ$ small, $H+λP$ has gap?

Suppose $H$ is a self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert space having a simple isolated least eigenvalue $0$ with gap $1$ ( $H\Omega = 0$, $\Vert \Omega\Vert = 1$ ), $P$ is a non-negative symmetric ...
Keith McClary's user avatar
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Weyl asymptotics vs. form perturbations

Consider Hilbert spaces $V$,$H$; a closed quadratic form $a$ with domain $V$; and its associated operator $A$ on $H$. (If necessary, the form can be assumed to be coercive.) For the sake of simplicity,...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar