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Eigenvalue multiplicity of tensor product of positive operator with itself

Let $H$ be a separable complex Hilbert space and let $A\in B(H)$ be positive with $||A||=1$ and have eigenvalue 1 with multiplicity 1. Suppose $A=T^*T$ for some $T\in B(H)$. Denote the spectrum of $A$ ...
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Spectral theorems for generalized Hermitian matrices

Let $k$ be a field, and let $\sigma$ be a nontrivial involutory automorphism of $k$. Let $A$ be a square matrix with entries in $k$, such that $(A^{\sigma})^T = A$; here $A^\sigma$ means the matrix $(...
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Is the sum of spectral projections a projection?

Let $T$ be a closed operator on a Hilbert space with discrete spectrum. Then for $\{\lambda_1,...\lambda_n\}\in\sigma(T)$ one can define the spectral projections $$P_{\{\lambda_1,...\lambda_n\}}=\frac{...
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