Questions tagged [higher-genus-curves]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Non-hyperelliptic families of curves with trivial Ceresa class (or Gross-Schoen class)

Suppose X/K is a curve over a field K, which we want to think of as non-algebraically closed, and let x be a point of X(K). The Ceresa cycle is defined as follows; you can embed X in Jac(X) by sending ...
JSE's user avatar
  • 19.1k
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Is the isogeny class 1109.a of abelian surfaces in the LMFDB complete?

The LMFDB lists the Jacobian of the genus-2 curve 1109.a.1109.1 ( as being isolated in its rational-isogeny class. However, the LMFDB does not purport ...
user115957's user avatar
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Does there exist a non-isotrivial fibration of genus two over P^1 with only 3 singular fibres of general type surfaces?

We will work over the complex numbers C. This question is based on Beauville's article : there exist a non-isotrivial fibration of genus 2 over P^1 with only 3 singular fibres. but not know for ...
gongcheng's user avatar