Questions tagged [heuristics]

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34 votes
18 answers

Non-rigorous reasoning in rigorous mathematics

I was wondering what role non-rigorous, heuristic type arguments play in rigorous math. Are there examples of rigorous, formal proofs in which a non-rigorous reasoning still plays a central part? ...
1 vote
1 answer

Computational Geometric Aspects of Greedy Tour Expansion

Has the following problem already been investigated from the Computational Geometry point of view and what are the results regarding worst case complexity? Given a finite set $\mathcal{P}...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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57 votes
16 answers

What are examples of books which teach the practice of mathematics?

One may classify the types of mathematics books written for students into two groups: books which merely teach mathematics (i.e., they present theorems and proofs, ready-made, as it were) and those ...
11 votes
3 answers

Defining the slowest divergent series

This question might seem too fuzzy, and if so, I will be happy to withdraw it. Until then, here it is: I know that a method of slowing a divergent series of positive reals is to replace the $n$-th ...
Mircea's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Heuristics behind the Circle problem?

Is there a heuristic argument behind the exponent in the circle problem? The problem that I am referring to is the following: Consider a circle of radius $R$ centered at the origin in the plane and ...
Mustafa Said's user avatar
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