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Spectral theorem and diagonal expansion for self adjoint operators

Asked by a physicist: In physics we use the fact that, given a self adjoint operator $A$, every element in Hilbert space can be written as "generalized linear combination" of the eigenstates ...
Rosario's user avatar
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Embedding Hermitian forms into Hilbert spaces

Let $H$ be a nondegenerate, not positive definite, Hermitian form on a complex vector space $V$ such that $$|H(x,y)|\le u(x)u(y)\tag{B}$$ for some map $u:V\to R_+$ with $u(\lambda x)=|\lambda|u(x)$ ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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References for a proof or interpretation of deficiency indices theorem (von Neumann)

I am looking for a proof or some interpretation around why the domain of the new extension $D(A_U)$ in the Theorem below is given by its specific formula. I have already searched in papers and here ...
curiosity96's user avatar
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Integral with product of two infinite sums

I am looking for references and results on integrals with product of two infinite sums: $$S_1=\int_0^{\infty} \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} f(nx) \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \overline{ g(kx)} dx$$ Above integral is ...
Bertrand's user avatar
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Hermitian Projections on $C[0,1]$

If $X$ is a normed linear space and $S(X)$ its unit sphere, $X′$ its dual space and $Π=\{(x,f)∈S(X)×S(X′) \ | \ f(x)=1\}$, then for an operator $T$ on $X$, the numerical range $V(T)$ is defined by $V(...
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