Questions tagged [hecke-algebras]

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5 votes
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Categorifying skein algebras?

We can obtain the Jones polynomial by the Temperly-Lieb algebra and the HOMFLYPT polynomial from the Hecke algebra. Were there attempts to categorify the algebras itself and obtain the Khovanov ...
Jake B.'s user avatar
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Understanding the Hecke Algebra via Different Constructions

I'm reading through this paper by Pouchin, and in it he makes a clam that some function space is isomorphic to the Hecke algebra. I'm trying to understand this and could really use some help. Let $G =...
guest's user avatar
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Why are the definitions of i-good nodes of a multipartition equivalent?

Let $e\geq 2$ and $0\leq i\leq e-1$. For a multipartition $\lambda\vdash_\ell n$ of $n $ one can define the notion of an $i$-good box of the Young diagram of $\lambda$. But there are seemingly ...
Chris Schoennenbeck's user avatar
18 votes
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What is the archimedean Hecke algebra?

Let $\mathbf G$ be a connected, reductive group over $\mathbb Q$. For each nonarchimedean place $v$, let $K_v$ be a maximal compact subgroup of $\mathbf G(\mathbb Q_v)$. The space $\mathscr H(\mathbf ...
D_S's user avatar
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Iwahori-Hecke algebra of $GL_2$

I had make an old post about this, but since seeing it now shows that I had no idea how to explain my question (because I didn't understand it) I'll try to do it normally here. So I am studying this ...
Kostas Psaromiligkos's user avatar
4 votes
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Number of pairs of permutation in $S_n$ whose $\mu$-coefficient (of their Kazhdan Lusztig polynomial) is non-zero

I am interested in how many pairs of permutations $(u,w)$ in $S_n$, such that the $\mu$-coefficient of its Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial $P_{u,w}(q)$ is non-zero? where $\mu_{u,w}=[q^{\frac{l(w)-l(u)-1}{...
Sylvester W. Zhang's user avatar
9 votes
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Hecke algebra of GL(2,F)

I was studying about the Hecke algebra from Bernstein's notes on p-adic representation theory and various other sources. First a disclaimer: everything below is fairly new to me so please feel free to ...
Kostas Psaromiligkos's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the kernel of the action of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra?

The Iwahori-Hecke algebra $H_n(q)$ acts on the $n$th tensor power of the standard representation of $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_m)$. What is the kernel of this action? Does anyone know a reference? I'm happy ...
Stephen Bigelow's user avatar
5 votes
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Relation between Hecke operators and coefficient of L-functions

This question has its seed in this one by Gory, which found an enlightening answer but one of the comments kept me wondering. I am beginning to discover Hecke operators, and there appears to be an ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
20 votes
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A spin extension of a Coxeter group?

Consider a Coxeter group $W$ with simple generators $S$ and Coxeter matrix $\left( m_{s,t}\right) _{\left( s,t\right) \in S\times S}$. Let $\mathfrak{M}$ be the set of all pairs $\left(s, t\right) ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
4 votes
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Semisimple vs ordinary trace of Frobenius on nearby cycles of affine flag variety

Let $G \rightarrow X$ be a parahoric group scheme over a curve, with parahoric level structure at $x_0$. Gaitsgory essentially showed that the nearby cycles functor $R\Psi$ takes perverse sheaves on ...
user84144's user avatar
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Krull dimension of Hecke algebra (level 1) for p = 2, 3

Let $p$ be a prime and consider the ($p$-deprived) Hecke algebra $\mathbb{T}$ which the projective limit of the Hecke $\mathbb{Z}_p$-algebras $\mathbb{T}_k$ which act on modular forms of level $1$ ...
Nadim Rustom's user avatar
3 votes
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Reference request: Hecke agebra over non-commutative rings

I think the title sums it up quite well: Is it a useful idea to define the Iwahori-Hecke algebra over a non-commutative $k$-algebra? If so, what shape should the relations attain? Bonus question: ...
Bubaya's user avatar
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symmetric polynomials for Super Hecke Clifford algebra

Fix a natural number $n$. In, §3.5, Kang/Kashiwara/Tsuchioka define a (version of a) Hecke Clifford superalgebra. It is the superalgebra with the following generators: ...
Bubaya's user avatar
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Noncommutative cohomology of flag varieties

Consider the Grassmannian $Gr(n, N)$ of $n$-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbf C^N$. Its cohomology ring is isomorphic to $\mathbf C[x_1, \ldots, x_n, \bar x_1, \ldots \bar x_{N-n}]/I_{n,N}$, wherethe ...
Bubaya's user avatar
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About left cell of a permutation

I am reading a paper Cellular algebras by J.J. Graham, G.I. Lehrer. I do not understand the follwing words labelled by yellow. First, I know Robinson-Schensted correspondence of a permutation in the ...
bing's user avatar
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Modularity of endomorphism algebras

This question is about comparing Hecke algebras and endomorphism algebras. Let $\mathbf{A}_f$ be the ring of finite adèles of $\mathbf{Q}$ and let $K$ be a compact open subgroup of $\mathrm{GL}_2(\...
François Brunault's user avatar
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Quantum Schur-Weyl duality for quantum affine algebras of other types

In the paper by Chari and Pressley, it is proved that the there is functor from the category $C_m$ of finite dimensional representations of the affine Hecke algebra of $GL(m)$ to the category $D_n$ of ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Cellular basis of $KW(B_2)$

Take $K$ a field. Let $W(B_2)$ be the coxeter group of type $B_2$ with a set $\{s_0,s_1\}$ of generators. Then $W(B_2)=\{1, s_0,s_1,s_0s_1,s_1s_0,s_0s_1s_0, s_1s_0s_1,s_1s_0s_1s_0\}$. I know that the ...
bing's user avatar
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Does Gorensteinness of $\mathbb{T}_{\mathfrak{m}}$ imply multiplicity one?

Let $N$ be a prime and let $\mathbb{T} \subset \mathrm{End}(J_0(N))$ be the Hecke algebra generated over $\mathbb{Z}$ by $U_N$ and the operators $T_p$ for primes $p \nmid N$. Fix a maximal ideal $\...
Kestutis Cesnavicius's user avatar
6 votes
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How to translate multi-segments to Drinfeld polynomials?

Let $\hat{H}_m=\hat{H}_m(q)$ be the Iwahori-Hecke algebra of $GL_m$, see for example, Section 2. The simple $\hat{H}_m$-modules are parametrized by Zelevinsky's multi-segments, See Section 2.2 of the ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Kazhdan-Lusztig basis of the symmetric group algebra $\mathbb{K}S_n$

Let $S_n$ be the symmetric group on the set $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ and $\mathbb{K}$ a field. Denote by $\mathbb{K}S_n$ the symmetric group algebra. What's Kazhdan-Lusztig basis of $\mathbb{K}S_n$? I ...
bing's user avatar
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Eigenvariety and Hecke algebra

Let $h^{n,ord}(Np^\infty)$ be the cuspidal nearly ordinary Hecke algebra of tame level $N$. For $N \geq 4$, we know that the Hecke algebra is the generic fibre of the Hecke-Hilbert Eigenvariety and so ...
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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Deligne-Scholl's motives for modular forms: Hecke operators vs. transposed Hecke operators

EDIT: I moved my original question down to the bottom. The question here at the top is related, at least I suppose that the same phenomenon is behind both of them. In the article "Valeurs de ...
Michael Fütterer's user avatar
3 votes
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Restriction to the diagonal of Hilbert eigenforms

Do you know of any reference that discusses whether the restriction to the diagonal of a Hilbert eigenform is an (elliptic) eigenform?
Bear's user avatar
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Is $(G\rtimes H,H)$ a Gelfand pair iff $G$ is abelian?

Let $G$ be a finite group and $K \subset G$ a subgroup. Then $(G,K)$ is a Gelfand pair if the double coset Hecke algebra $\mathbb{C}(K \backslash G / K)$ is commutative. Let $H$ be a subgroup of $...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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References of an operator $T: V \otimes V \to V \otimes V$

Let $V$ be a vector space with a basis $v_1, \ldots, v_n$ and let $X_{ij} = v_i \otimes v_j$. Then $X_{ij}, i,j=1,\ldots, n$, is a basis of $V \otimes V$. Let $T: V \otimes V \to V \otimes V$ be the ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Finite-dimensional representations of DAHA of rank 1

DAHA of rank 1 is defined by the relation $$ (T - t^{1/2})(T + t^{-1/2})=0~, \quad TXT=X^{-1}~, \quad TY^{-1}T=Y~, \quad Y^{-1}X^{-1}YXT^2q^{1/2}=1 .$$ To understand its representations, it is useful ...
Satoshi  Nawata's user avatar
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p-adic modular forms, Hecke algebra, deformation theory and modular curves.

Let $h^{ord}(N,\mathcal{O})$ be the $p$-ordinary Hecke algebra, and $\mathfrak{m}$ be a maximal ideal of the semi local ring $h^{ord}(N,\mathcal{O})$ corresponding to a residual representation $\bar{\...
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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Finite-dimensional representations of DAHA

It is shown by Berest-Etingof-Ginzburg that there exist finite-dimensional irreducible representations of rational Cherednik algebra $H_c(S_n)$ of $A_{n-1}$ type if and only if the deformation ...
Satoshi  Nawata's user avatar
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Shifts in the decomposition of Bott-Samelson bimodules

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$, let $V=k^n$ be a $k$ vector space of dimension $n$, and let $R=k[V]$ be the ring of polynomial functions on $V$. Suppose that $W\subset\...
Chris McDaniel's user avatar
5 votes
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Is there a geometric interpretation of the Hecke algebra of a Weyl group?

The Weyl group $W$ can be realized as a fundamental group of a topological space. So that its group algebra $\mathbb{Z}(W)$ has a geometric meaning. On the other hand, the Hecke algebra is a ...
Malkoun's user avatar
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Reference request for $pro-p$ Iwahori subgroup of $GL_n(F)$

I am searching for a book/lecture notes/articles where I can find the definition and properties of the $pro-p$ Iwahori subgroup of $GL_n(F)$,(with examples if possible) the Iwahori decomposition of ...
MathStudent's user avatar
5 votes
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Smoothness of Hecke algebras

First I will introduce some notation and definitions. Fix a level $N$ (take $N=1$ if it makes things easier) and a prime $p$. Let $k$ be a finite field of characteristic $p$ and let $\mathcal{C}$ be ...
Nadim Rustom's user avatar
11 votes
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Arithmetic points are dense on a Hida family

$\DeclareMathOperator\Spec{Spec}$I am reading the paper "Constancy of the adjoint L-invariant" by H. Hida (J. Number Th., 2011, DOI link). Correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read/heard that ...
Eins Null's user avatar
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7 votes
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Do Iwahori-Hecke algebras come from cohomology classes?

Let $W$ be a Coxeter group. The Iwahori-Hecke algebra $H_q(W)$ is a deformation of $k W$. Question: is there some way to interpret the deformation $H_q(W)$ as a cohomology class? It doesn't seem ...
Daniel Barter's user avatar
6 votes
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The (Hecke) double coset von Neumann algebra

It it well-known in the von Neumann algebra theory that for $\Gamma$ a non-trivial countable group, the von Neumann algebra $L(\Gamma)$ generating by $\Gamma$ acting by left multiplication on $l^2(\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
15 votes
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How many traces are there on Temperley-Lieb, Fuss-Catalan, Iwahori-Hecke, Birman-Wenzl-Murakami-Kauffman, ... algebras?

There is a theorem (I believe by Ocneanu) that the Markov trace on the tower of Temperley-Lieb algebras is (essentially) unique. What about just traces on separate algebras? That is, take one of them,...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
6 votes
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divisibility by Bernoulli numbers of discriminant of Hecke algebra over the space of modular forms of level 1

For the space of modular forms and the space of cusp forms (here I only care about the level $1$ case), we have the action by Hecke algebras. Therefore, we can calculate the discriminant of this ...
Ding's user avatar
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Mod 2 modular forms in levels 5 and 25--how to account for this Hecke isomorphism?

The space $P1$ of my earlier question 203755 "Two spaces attached to mod 2 level 9 modular forms...", is essentially the space of mod 2 level 3 modular forms. That such a space should appear inside ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Two spaces attached to mod 2 level 9 modular forms--a conjectural Hecke isomorphism

MOTIVATION Nicolas and Serre have analyzed the structure of the space of mod $2$ modular forms of level $1$, viewed as a "Hecke-module". They show that for each $p>2$, the operator $T_p$ acting on ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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Highest (short) roots and commutation relations in (twisted) DAHA

I am trying to understand, explicitly, the commutation relation between $X_\vartheta$ and $Y_\vartheta = T_0T_{s_\vartheta}$ in the (twisted) DAHA for a root system $R$, where $\vartheta$ is the ...
Matteo's user avatar
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8 votes
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Proving that the Jones polynomial is q-holonomic

The Jones polynomial is known to have many different interpretations or definitions, by now. There are connections with QFT, quantum groups, Hilbert schemes, Cherednik algebras, etc. My question is ...
Gjergji Zaimi's user avatar
6 votes
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What does the defect of a block measure?

In the context of decomposition matrices for Hecke algebras of finite Coxeter groups at a root of unity (such as the tables at the end of the book "Hecke algebras at a root of unity" by Geck-Jacon or ...
CatO Minor's user avatar
2 votes
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Newform and Galois representation (Shimura-Deligne Reciprocity Law)

Shimura-Deligne Reciprocity Law implies that to a newform $f \colon =f(z) \in S^{\mathrm{new}}_k(\Gamma_0(N))$ of weight $k$, one can associate Galois representation $\rho_{f,\lambda} \colon {\mathrm{...
Pierre's user avatar
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Order of individual Fourier coefficient of a Maass form

Let $D$ be a definite quaternion division algebra over $\mathbb{Q}$ and $\mathcal{O}$ be an Eichler order of $D$. Let $F$ be a Maass form in $L^2(PGL_2(\mathcal{O})\backslash PGL_2(D\otimes\mathbb{R}))...
Subhajit Jana's user avatar
12 votes
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The Markov trace via Bott-Samelson fibers?

Let $H_n$ be the Hecke algebra of GL(n), i.e., the algebra over $\mathbb{Q}(q)$ with generators $T_1, \ldots, T_{n-1}$ which satisfy the braid relations and also $T^2 = (q-1) T + q$. Recall the ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Gelfand pair and double coset decomposition

Let $F$ be a non-Archimedean local field with ring of integers $O$, $\pi$ be a uniformizer. Let $\tilde{G}$ be a connected algebraic group over $F$ and splits over $F$, fix a split maximal torus $\...
Subhajit Jana's user avatar
6 votes
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Iwahori-Hecke algebras as endomorphism (or convolution) algebra?

Let $H_n(q,k)$ be the Iwahori Hecke algebra of symmetric group $S_n$ over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$, where $q$ is an invertable element in $k$. Assume that $q$ is a ...
user46809's user avatar
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Degeneration of modules over the affine symmetric group and jeu de taquin

Let $H_n$ be the group algebra of the affine Coxeter group of type A (feel free to replace it by the affine Hecke algebra). This is generated by elements $y_i$'s, $i=1,\dots,n$ and transpositions $s_i$...
Adrien's user avatar
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