Questions tagged [hausdorff-measure]

Questions about Hausdorff measures, their variants (such as spherical Hausdorff measures) and generalisations.

27 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Isoperimetric inequality and geometric measure theory

The following version of the isoperimetric inequality can be easily deduced from the Brunn-Minkowski inequality: Theorem. If $K\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ is compact, then $$ |K|^{\frac{n-1}{n}}\leq n^{-1}...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
5 votes
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How to calculate the volume of a parallelepiped in a normed space?

Let $E$ be a real normed space, and let $v_1,...,v_n\in E$ be linearly independent. The parallelepiped defined by these vectors is $P=\{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\alpha_i v_i|~0\le\alpha_i\le 1\}$. Since $E$ is a ...
erz's user avatar
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Naïve definition of a measure on a fractal

This question was previously posted on MSE. Let $K\subset \mathbb R^2$ be a compact fractal of Hausdorff dimension $1<d<2$. I want to define a natural measure on $K$. One option would be to use ...
Matheus Manzatto's user avatar
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Equality of Hausdorff measure and Lebesgue measure on manifolds (reference)

Let $\mathcal{M} \subset \mathbb{R}^N$ be an $n$-dimensional $C^1$ submanifold (connected). We have two metric functions on $\mathcal{M}$: The Euclidean distance inherited from $\mathbb{R}^N$. The ...
Behnam Esmayli's user avatar
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Continuity of the Lebesgue measure w.r.t the Hausdorff metric

I have a question linked to Interplay of Hausdorff metric and Lebesgue measure. Let us denote as $\mathcal K(\mathbb R^n)$ the space of compact subsets of $\mathbb R^n$ endowed with the Hausdorff ...
Redeldio's user avatar
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Classification of Euclidean-invariant measures?

Is there a classification of measures on $\mathbb R^n$ which are invariant under (Euclidean) isometries? Hausdorff measures of all kinds are examples -- could that be all of them? More precisely, By ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
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Converse on the rectifiability of products of rectifiable sets

Let $1\leq k\leq m$ and $1\leq l\leq n$ fixed integers, $\mathscr{H}^k$ the $k$ dimensional Hausdorff measure and $E\subset \mathbb{R}^m$. We say that : (1) $E$ is $k$ rectifiable if there exists $C\...
Paul-Benjamin's user avatar
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Convergence of the perimeter of level sets

I have already posted this question on Math StackExchange. Suppose you have a sequence of $C^1$ functions $\{\phi_n\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$ defined on $\mathbb{R}^n$ that converges in $C^{1}_{\mathrm{loc}...
totallyimmersed9's user avatar
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Hausdorff measure of the unit ball of a norm on $\mathbb{R}^n$ is a universal constant

In [1], Kirchheim proved the area formula for Lipschitz maps $f\colon \mathbb{R}^n\to X$ where $X$ is an arbitrary metric space, using the notion of metric differentiability. The metric derivative of $...
Behnam Esmayli's user avatar
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When is Hausdorff measure locally finite?

Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space and let $H^\alpha$ denote the $\alpha$-dimensional Hausdorff Borel measure on $X$, where $\alpha$ is the Hausdorff dimension of $X$. Are there any simple conditions on $X$...
nullUser's user avatar
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The Hausdorff measure of intersection of annulus and conformal curve

Recently I came across a problem in my research. Let $g:[0,1]\to\mathbb{C}$ be a restriction of a conformal map that is defined in a simply connected domain $\Omega\subseteq\mathbb{C}$ that include $[...
mathematics is all's user avatar
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$\mathscr{H}^{n-2}(\Sigma)< \infty$ implies $\mathscr{H}^{n-1}(\pi(\Sigma))=0$

Let $\Sigma\subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ be a set with $(n-2)$-dimensional Hausdorff measure finite, i.e. $\mathscr{H}^{n-2}(\Sigma)<\infty$. Let $\pi:\mathbb{R}^{n+1}\to \mathbb{R}^n$ be the ...
No-one's user avatar
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Existence of an $\alpha$-regular measure with positive measure on a binary digits do not have a limiting frequency

let $$X=\left\{ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}a_{n}2^{-n}:a_{n}\in\left\{ 0,1\right\} ,\liminf\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}a_{i}<\limsup\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}a_{i}\right\} $$ I'm studying fractal geometry and ...
Simple Conjugate's user avatar
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A counterexample to regular boundary points for minimizers of variational integrals under subquadratic growth

Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ for some $n\geq 3$ be an open bounded set with at least Lipschitz boundary. Let $p\in (1, 2), N>1$ and $f: \overline{\Omega} \times\mathbb{R}^N\times\mathbb{R}^{Nn}\...
Nirav's user avatar
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Relationship between Hausdorff dimension and covering number

Let $(X,d)$ be a compact metric space and recall that the $\epsilon$-external covering number $\mathcal{N}^{\epsilon}(X)$ of $X$ is defined by: $$ \mathcal{N}^{\epsilon}(X) := \inf\left\{ N\in \mathbb{...
ABIM's user avatar
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Green's identity with a different norm

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a domain with a smooth boundary $\Gamma$. Suppose that $f, g \colon \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ are of class $C^\infty( \overline{\Omega})$. Then Green's first ...
Kacper Kurowski's user avatar
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Examples of essentially sub-linear functions

A dimension function is an increasing, continuous function $% f:\mathbb R_{+}\rightarrow \mathbb R_{+}$ such that $f(r)\to 0$ as $r\to 0$. Say that a dimension function $f$ is essentially sub-linear ...
user48633's user avatar
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Results for Hausdorff Measure after Linear Transformation

For the Sierpinski Triangle, $S$, the $d$ dimensional Hausdorff measure is given by, $H^{d}(S)$. If a linear transformation, $W$ is applied to $S$, with $$W(x,y)=\begin{bmatrix} 1/2 & 0 \\ 0 &...
Zachary W. Robertson's user avatar
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Cardinality of intersections of lines with irregular 1-sets in the plane

From Falconer's book (The geometry of fractal sets), Lemma 3.2 says that the intersection of irregular 1-sets with straight lines is of zero $H^1$ measure. What do we know about the cardinality of ...
ru0xffian's user avatar
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Are the extensions of the expected value, below, finite for all functions in only a shy subset of all measurable functions?

This is a follow up to this post, where I wish to verify whether one of the statements (in the post) is true but first let's recap the definitions: Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space. If set $A\subseteq X$,...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Finding a unique and finite expected value for almost all measurable functions?

Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space. If set $A\subseteq X$, let $H^{\alpha}$ be the $\alpha$-dimensional Hausdorff measure on $A$, where $\alpha\in[0,+\infty)$ and $\text{dim}_{\text{H}}(A)$ is the ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Lower bound estimate for the sum $\sum \text{diam}(U)^d$ over all countable covers of a cube

This question is inspired from the definition of Hausdorff measure. Let $C$ be a closed unit hypercube in $\mathbb R^d$ (side length equal to one, including boundary. The cube itself is at top ...
No One's user avatar
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How to show that this function is continuous (Geometric Measure Theory)

I want to prove that the function $F: \mathbb{R}_+ \to \mathbb{R}$ defined by $$F(t)=\int_{\{d=t\}} g \, d\mathcal{H}^{n-1}$$ is continuous if $g:\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}$ is ...
HighLiuk's user avatar
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Using programming to measure the uniformity of measurable subsets of the unit square?

This is a follow up to this post using this answer: Let $S:=[0,1]^2$ be the unit square. "Partition" $S$ naturally into four congruent squares $S_{1,j}$ (with side length $1/2$ each), where ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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Continuous dependence of the (infinite) roots of a polynomial on its coefficients

I'm trying to show the continuous dependence of the roots of a polynomial on its coefficients when the root number can be infinite (e.g., $x-y$). I don't know much about algebraic geometry but after I ...
Kryvtsov's user avatar
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Signed distance function

Let $\Omega\subseteq\mathbb{R}^N$ be an open and bounded set with uniform Lipschitz boundary. Consider the signed distance function: $d:\mathbb{R}^N\to\mathbb{R},\ d(x)=\begin{cases} \mathrm{dist}(x,\...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Finding examples of functions which are infinite or undefined with current extensions of the expected value?

Preliminaries Consider the expectations desribed in this paper, which is an extension of the Lebesgue density theorem; this paper which is an extension of the Hausdorff measure, using Hyperbolic ...
Arbuja's user avatar
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