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Upcrossing lemma and subharmonic functions

I have been studying the upcrossing lemma for submartingales, which asserts that if $X_n$ is a non negative submartingale, and $ \lambda>0$ then if we denote by $U_n$ the number of $[0,\lambda]$-...
an_ordinary_mathematician's user avatar
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Are continuous harmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds smooth up to the boundary?

Let $M,N$ be smooth, connected, compact, oriented, two-dimensional Riemannian manifolds, with $C^k$ boundaries. Let $f:M \to N$ be a Lipschitz continuous weakly harmonic map**, and assume that $f(\...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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The decay rate of the spectrum of the Gaussian kernel on compact manifolds

It seems that the $k^{th}$ largest eigenvalue of the intergral operator induced on $S^n$ by the Gaussian kernel, $e^{-\frac{\vert \vec{x} - \vec{y} \vert _2^2}{2\sigma^2}}$ decays as $k^{-k}$. This is ...
Student's user avatar
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Dimension of the set of the polynomial growth harmonic function on the hyperbolic plane

We consider the hyperbolic plane and the harmonic function there. Pick any point $p$. Let $H_n, n \in\mathbb N$ be the set of the harmonic functions $f$ such that $|f(x)|\leq c(1+ d(x,p))^n$. What is ...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar