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Determinant of Hankel matrix with $a_n=(n!)^2$

Consider a Hankel matrix of the form $H_n(a_0(n))=\begin{pmatrix} a_0(n) & (1!)^2 & (2!)^2 & \cdots & (n!)^2\\ (1!)^2 & (2!)^2 & (3!)^2& \cdots & ((n+1)!)^2\\ (2!)^2 &...
fs98's user avatar
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Hankel determinant of incomplete gamma functions

I have some expressions that involve Hankel determinants of incomplete gamma functions. They are of the ($r \times r$ form) I'd like to evaluate these determinants. Elementary operations help, but ...
searp's user avatar
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Determinant of identity matrix plus Hilbert matrix

I am looking for the determinant $$ \det(I_n + H_n) $$ where $I_n$ is the $n \times n$ identity matrix and $H_n$ is the $n \times n$ Hilbert matrix, whose entries are given by $$ [H_n]_{ij} = \frac{...
Tobi's user avatar
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Some Hankel Determinants

After invoking a recursion relation for Hankel determinants in my answer to a (mostly unrelated) question, I started wondering what else I could use this recursion for, and stumbled upon some results ...
Steven Landsburg's user avatar