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$\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$ coefficients in gysin sequence

I am reading the article "Signature of links" by Kauffman and Taylor. Here they show that it is possible to calculate the nullity of a link $L\subset S^3$ by knowing the first betti number of the ...
Diego95's user avatar
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Approximative extension of the autohomeomorphism of the complement of the trivial knot?

Let $S^1\subset \mathbb{R}^3$ be the unit circle and suppose $h\colon \mathbb{R}^3\setminus S^1\to \mathbb{R}^3\setminus S^1$ is a homeomorphism. Clearly it might be that $h$ cannot be extended to $S^...
Vadim's user avatar
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More questions about high-dimensional knot invariants

In a question yesterday I asked about the existence of algebraic invariants for embeddings of n-manifolds into n+2-spheres. The answers in the positive dimension all made certain assumptions about ...
Blake's user avatar
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Higher dimensional Seifert surfaces and link numbers of higher knots

In 3-manifold topology, the notion of Seifert surface is well known. It is then used to define link numbers of knots. Question: Consider embedding $N^n \rightarrow M^{2n+1}$ of n-dimensional manifold $...
0x11111's user avatar
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Nullity of the linking matrix of a framed link $L$ equals the first betti number of the manifold obtained by surgery on $L$

I have asked this on mathstackexchange as well. I'm not necessarily asking for a proof, just a hint or a point to the right direction (although I'm not saying that a proof isn't welcome). I'm studying ...
Amontillado's user avatar