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Signature vs commensurability

If a closed oriented $4n$-dimensional manifold $M$ has an orientation-reversing homeomorphism, then the signature $\sigma(M)$ of the intersection form vanishes. More generally, $\sigma(M) = 0$ if $M$ ...
asd's user avatar
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Does every oriented $3$-dimensional submanifold of $\mathbb{R}^6$ bound an oriented $4$-dimensional submanifold?

In my recent research, I encountered the following problem about embeddings. Let $M^3$ be a closed compact oriented smooth $3$-dimensional submanifold of $\mathbb{R}^6$. Does there exist a compact ...
Zhenhua Liu's user avatar
5 votes
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Proving the Cork Theorem

I am reading Kirby's paper paper "Akbulut's corks and h-cobordisms of smooth simply connected 4-manifolds" and I have a question about how to actually prove the cork theorem from the results ...
failedentertainment's user avatar
14 votes
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When can we extend a diffeomorphism from a surface to its neighborhood as identity?

Let $M$ be a closed and simply-connected 4-manifold and let $f: M^4 \to M^4$ be a diffeomorphism such that $f^*: H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})\to H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})$ is the identity map. Moreover, let $\Sigma \...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
13 votes
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Low dimensional homotopy groups of $\operatorname{Top}(4)$

$\DeclareMathOperator\Top{Top}$I would like to compute $\pi_3\Top(4)$ and $\pi_4\Top(4)$. It is known that $\Top(4)/O(4) \rightarrow \Top/O$ is 5-connected and $$ \pi_k(\Top/O) = \begin{cases} ...
Oleksandr Kharchenko's user avatar
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What are some of the big open problems in $4$-manifold theory?

I've recently been studying some Manifold Theory and got very interested in their topological as well as geometric properties. From my understanding of the current literature, most the big and ...
math-physicist's user avatar
4 votes
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4-manifold $M$ with intersection form of Leech lattice

Do we know any 4-manifold $M$ with intersection form of rank-24 Leech lattice? Is $M$ smooth? Differentiable to which $n$-order? Can $M$ be obtained by any surgery on 3 copies of E8 4-manifolds with ...
zeta's user avatar
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6 votes
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Stable torus that is not a torus [duplicate]

Let $M$ be a closed manifold such that $M\times \mathbb{S}^1$ is a torus. Is it true that $M$ is homeomorphic to a torus?
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
2 votes
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$4$-manifolds with boundary homotopic to $K(G,1)$

I am not very conversant with the $3$-manifold or $4$-manifold theory. The literature I found so far related to $3$-manifold tells me that $S^1\times S^2$ is "very special". It is prime but ...
piper1967's user avatar
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Computation of $\pi_1$ for a Mazur manifold and its boundary

If we attach a $4$-dimensional $1$-handle $D^1 \times D^3$ to a $4$-dimensional $0$-handle $B^4$, we obtain $S^1 \times D^3$. The null homologous knot in $S^1 \times S^2$ indicated in the picture ...
Max Schumann's user avatar
7 votes
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Status of the Hopf-Thurston sign conjecture in dimension 4

A famous conjecture in topology asserts: The Euler characteristic of a closed aspherical $2n$-manifold $M$ satisfies $(-1)^n\chi(M) \geq 0$. This was conjectured by Hopf for manifolds with non-...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
11 votes
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Isotopy on embedded 3-manifolds in 4-manifolds

Suppose that $X$ be an oriented, closed four-manifold. Suppose that $Y$ is an oriented, closed three-manifold smoothly embedded in $X$. Suppose also that $f:X \to X$ is a diffeomorphism that fixes $Y$...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
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Contractible four-manifold which admits a decomposition

Let $M^4$ be a noncompact, contractible, smooth manifold. Suppose there exists an exhaustion $M=\bigcup_{i\ge 1} U_i$ by open sets such that (1) $\bar U_i \subset U_{i+1}$ and (2) each $U_i$ is ...
Zhiqiang's user avatar
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Contractible 4-manifold with an exhaustion

Let $M^4$ be a noncompact, contractible, 4-dimensional, topological manifold. Suppose there exists an exhaustion $M=\bigcup_{i\ge 1} U_i$ by open sets such that (1) $\bar U_i \subset U_{i+1}$ and (2) ...
Adterram's user avatar
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Can $X_4 \times S^1$, $X_4 \times I^1$, or $X_4 \times \mathbb{R}^1$ be a triangulable, PL or DIFF manifold, if $X_4$ is a non-triangulable manifold? [duplicate]

Question: If $X_4$ is a non-triangulable topological (TOP) manifold, can $X_4 \times S^1$, $X_4 \times I^1$, or $X_4 \times \mathbb{R}^1$ be a triangulable manifold? can $X_4 \times S^1$, $X_4 \...
wonderich's user avatar
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10 votes
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Homotopy equivalent smooth 4-manifolds which are not stably diffeomorphic?

Recall that two 4-manifolds $M$ and $N$ are stably diffeomorphic if there exist $m,n$ such that $$M \#_n (S^2 \times S^2) \cong N \#_n (S^2 \times S^2).$$ That is, they become diffeomorphic after ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
14 votes
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Very particular kind of 4-manifolds. Classification

Let $M$ be a smooth orientable compact connected (with boundary) manifold of dimension $4$. In addition $M$ is assumed to be aspherical and acyclic. Question: is there a "classification" of ...
GSM's user avatar
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17 votes
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Homotopy groups of Diff(X) and Homeo(X)

For a compact closed smooth manifold $X$, the group Diff(X) has a natural homomorphism $\Phi$ to the homeomorphism group Homeo(X). If $X$ has dimension at least $5$, I'm looking for some general ...
Danny Ruberman's user avatar
10 votes
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4-dimensional cohomology $\mathbb{CP}^2$'s

Let $M$ be a closed, smooth $4$-manifold with integral cohomology ring isomorphic to that of $\mathbb{CP}^2$, is it diffeomorphic to it?
Nick L's user avatar
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Self diffeomorphism of $S^2\times S^2$

The main question is motivated from the answer of this question Is it true that every self ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
9 votes
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Topological mapping class groups of 4-manifolds

It is a classical result of Quinn that for a simply-connected closed $4$-manifold $X$ the isometries of its intersection form are in one-to-one correspondence with $\pi_0 \text{Homeo}(X)$. (Isotopy ...
Enumerator's user avatar
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A user guide to the theory on Corks

I am trying to digest the meanings of the corks from the both: algebraic topology and geometry topology perspectives. Studying corks is important for understanding the exotic phenomenon of 4-...
wonderich's user avatar
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25 votes
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What can we say about the Cartesian product of a manifold with its exotic copy?

Let $M$ be a smooth oriented manifold, and let $M^E$ be an exotic copy, i.e homeomorphic but not diffeomorphic to $M$. Is it true that $M\times M$ is diffeomorphic to $M\times M^E$? I am ...
Anubhav Mukherjee's user avatar
8 votes
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Surgery along an embedded surface in a 4-manifold

Let $X$ be a 4-manifold and $\Sigma_g\subset X$ be an embedded closed orientable genus = $g$ surface. Suppose $\Sigma_g\subset X$ has a trivial closed normal bundle $N(\Sigma_g) = \Sigma_g\times D^2$. ...
Shinichiro Nakamura's user avatar
41 votes
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Not all manifolds can be triangulated: In which dimensions?

I know that Ciprian Manolescu has settled the triangulation conjecture in the negative: Not all manifolds can be triangulated. I've only read secondary literature on this result, which did not detail ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes
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$\pi_1$ of 4-manifolds that "look like" disk bundles

Let $X$ be a smooth compact oriented 4-manifold with $\partial X=L(p,1)$, $H_2(X;\Bbb Z)=\Bbb Z$, $H_3(X; \Bbb Z)=0$ and the induced map $\pi_1(L(p,1)) \to X$ surjective. What are the possibilities ...
PVAL's user avatar
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Construction of invariants of 4-manifolds with the Kirby calculus

I'm an undergraduate student, interested in the low dimensional topology, in particular, the 4-manifold theory. I have a question. In the knot theory, the Reidemeister moves play fundamental roles. ...
Shinichiro Nakamura's user avatar
17 votes
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Smooth 4-manifolds with $E_8$ intersection form

Does there exist a closed orientable smooth 4-manifold $M$ whose intersection form is the $E_8$-form? Here by the intersection form I mean the $\mathbb{Z}$-valued bilinear form on $H^2(M;\mathbb{Z})/\...
Julia's user avatar
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Casson invariant and signature

In W. Neumann, J. Wahl, "Casson invariant of links of singularities", Comment. Math. Helv.,1990, Vol. 65, Issue 1, pp 58-78 some connection between the Casson invariant and the signature is ...
nikitamarkarian's user avatar
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Boundaries of smooth manifolds

If one has a smooth simply connected manifold $M^n$ which we know to bound an $n+1$ dimensional manifold $N$, what can be said about a handle decomposition for one in terms of a handle decomposition ...
Robert's user avatar
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16 votes
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open problems in Seiberg-Witten Theory on 4-Manifolds

What are some of the open problems in Seiberg-Witten Theory on 4-Manifolds.I tried googling but couldn't any. I tried googling it, but couldn't find any resources.The places where I can a survey or ...
8 votes
1 answer

Almost parallelizable 4-manifolds

On the first page of Milnor-Kervaire's paper "Bernoulli numbers, homotopy groups, and a theorem of Rohlin", they assert without proof or reference that if $M$ is a compact connected oriented ...
Julia's user avatar
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Visualising locally flat embeddings of surfaces in R^4

As far as I understand it follows from the work of M. Freedman that there exist locally flat embeddings of two dimensional surfaces in $\mathbb R^4$ that can not be smoothed in the class of locally ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Intersection forms of 4-manifolds with boundary

Let $X$ be any simply connected smooth 4-manifold with a fixed Euler characteristic $e$, signature $\sigma$ and boundary $Y$. Assume that the determinant of the intersection form $Q_{X}$ is equal to a ...
user25085's user avatar
11 votes
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Existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem for PL manifolds

I'm looking for a comprehensive reference to existing proofs of Rokhlin's theorem that a 4-dimensional closed spin PL manifold has signature divisible by 16. I'm specifically interested in direct ...
Vitali Kapovitch's user avatar