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4 votes
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Is there a notion of "locally flat" for CW complexes?

A submanifold $X^n\subset Y^m$ is locally flat if each point $x\in X$ has a neighborhood $U\subset Y$ so that $(U,U\cap X)\simeq (\Bbb R^m, \Bbb R^n)$ with the standard embedding $\Bbb R^n\...
4 votes
1 answer

"Almost embedding" the complete 2-dimensional complex $\mathcal K_7^2$ into $\Bbb R^4$

Let $\mathcal K_7^2$ be the complete 2-dimensional simplicial complex on seven vertices, i.e. it has all $7\choose 2$ edges and all $7\choose 3$ 2-simplices (and no higher-dimensional simplices). I ...
5 votes
1 answer

Homology of spherical $3$-manifold group

I have been studying $3$-manifolds recently and I got stuck in the following situation. For lens spaces the below fact is true. Let $G$ be a finite group acting freely and orthogonally on $S^3$ so ...
3 votes
1 answer

Ehresmann's fibration theorem for CW or simplicial complexes

Is there an analogue of Ehresmann fibration theorem for (finite) CW complexes ? Note is not true that an open surjective (necessary proper) cellular map of finite CW or simplicial complexes is ...
4 votes
1 answer

CW complex with generalized cells

In the definition of CW complexes, all cells are homeomorphic to closed balls. I search for a generalized notion of CW complexes. In my application, the complexes are in fact finite. Is there a ...
7 votes
2 answers

All mapping space between CW complexes is a CW complex?

Let $\mathrm{Map}(X,Y)$ denote the (unbased) cellular mapping space from $X$ to $Y$. If $X$ and $Y$ are finite CW complexes, is $\mathrm{Map}(X,Y)$ a CW complex? Can we know the cell structure of $\...