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Solving sparse bilinear systems with a relatively large number of variables

I'm trying to solve a bilinear system of equations over a finite field. (More specifically: I'm trying to find a single solution, if one exists.) The system consists of equations of the form $$y^T A_i ...
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Solving system of multivariable algebraic equations over $\mathbb Q$ by reducing over $\mathbb F_p$

I try to solve the finite system of multivariable algebraic equations with coefficients from $\mathbb Q$. It would be sufficient for me to prove that there is only finite number of solutions over $\...
Maxim's user avatar
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Solving Non-Linear Equations over a Finite Field of a Large Prime Order

I want to know is there is an efficient way to figure out whether or not a ( underdetermined) system of non-linear equations have a solution over a finite field of large prime order. The equations ...
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