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Size of forbidden minors for treewidth

For any $k$, the class of graphs of treewidth at most $k$ can be characterized by a finite set of forbidden minors. For treewidth $1$ and $2$, the set is of size $1$. Then for treewidth $3$, the set ...
user31016's user avatar
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Is there a polynomial-time algorithm to check if a signed graph contains an odd-K5 minor?

I suspect this exists, if anyone has a reference please that would be very helpful. By signed graph, I mean each edge is designated either odd or even (e.g. as in Guenin's result for weakly bipartite ...
user31016's user avatar
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What is the relation between size of maximum clique and branchwidth?

Let $bw(G)$ be the branchwidth of graph $G$ and $\omega(G)$ be the size of maximum clique in $G$. I think the following inequality holds: $$ \omega(G)\leq bw(G) $$ Intuition: Assume (in reverse of ...
Omid Ebrahimi's user avatar
7 votes
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Graph minor check

Are there any good algebraic/algorithmic tools available to check if a given graph $H$ is a minor of $G$ from the adjacency matrix of $G$?
Turbo's user avatar
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