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Has Plummer's open problem on the cyclic connectivity of planar graphs been solved?

$\DeclareMathOperator\cl{cl}$The cyclic edge connectivity $\cl(G)$ is the size of a smallest cyclic edge cut, i.e., a smallest edge cut $F$ such that $G-F$ has two connected components, each of which ...
Licheng Zhang's user avatar
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Random Optimization on Graphs: Minimum Cut

Consider a complete graph on $n$ vertices. To each edge, $(i,j)$, we assign a weight, $W_{ij}$, which comes from some known distribution iid. Then, we ask the following question. Among all (weighted) ...
hookah's user avatar
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expected number of edges for fixed min cut

It is known that a graph $G=(V,E)$ with $n$ nodes and min cut $k$, must have at least $\frac{1}{2}nk$ edges. Are there any tighter bounds or expectations I can place on $|E|$ if I assume that $G$ ...
user1798883's user avatar