Questions tagged [graded-rings-modules]

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14 votes
2 answers

"Spec" of graded rings?

From the discussion at Hochschild cohomology and A-infinity deformations, it seems that general Hochschild cohomology classes correspond to deformations where the deformation parameter can have ...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Reason to apply the Koszul sign rule everywhere in graded contexts

The Koszul sign rule is a sign rule that arises from graded-commutative algebras. For instance, let $\bigwedge(x_1,\dots, x_n)$ be the free graded-commutative algebra generated by $n$ elements of ...
Javi's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Projective dimension of graded modules

Short version: Why is the projective dimension of a graded module the same as the projective dimension of its underlying ungraded module? Longer version: Let $G$ be a commutative group, let $R$ ...
Fred Rohrer's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is every (left) graded-Noetherian graded ring (left) Noetherian?

I call a $\mathbb{Z}$-graded (non-commutative, associative, unital) ring $A$ (left) graded-Noetherian if every homogeneous (left) ideal is finitely generated, and (left) Noetherian if it is (left) ...
Anonymous Coward's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Is $[Im:(x)][Im:(y,z)]\subseteq Im$ in $k[x,y,z]$?

Let $k$ be a field and $S=k[x,y,z]$. Let $m=(x,y,z)$ and $I\subseteq m$ a proper homogeneous ideal in $S$. Is this true that we always have: $$[Im:(x)][Im:(y,z)]\subseteq Im \ ?$$ In a paper we ...
Hailong Dao's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Connection between the classifications of group extensions and group-graded algebras in terms of non-abelian cohomology

First, consider group extensions with non-abelian kernel $$1\to K\to G \to Q \to 1$$ It is well-known that these are classified by certain cohomological objects, specifically: Any such extension ...
Johannes Hahn's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is operadic desuspension inverse to operadic suspension?

Given a graded vector space $V$ over a field $k$, consider it's suspension $\Sigma V$ such that $(\Sigma V)^i=V^{i-1}$. For an operad of graded vector spaces over a field $\mathcal{O}$, the operadic ...
Javi's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Does the associated graded functor take products of filtered k-coalgebras to graded k-coalgebras?

Let's suppose we have two noncommutative graded k-coalgebras $C_1$ and $C_2$ with respective admissible filtrations (i.e $F_{0}C_i=0$ and $\mathrm{colim}_k F_kC_i=C_i$), I would like to know if there ...
Victor TC's user avatar
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1 answer

Strongly graded algebras with no zero divisors

Let $A = \bigoplus_{i \in \mathbb{Z}} A_i$ be a strongly graded unital algebra over $\mathbb{C}$, with no zero divisors. Is it always true that $$ m: A_i \otimes_{A_0} A_j \to A_{i+j} $$ is an ...
Fofi Konstantopoulou's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Characterization of a finitely graded (almost) domain

Let $A= \bigoplus_{i=0}^{N}A_i$ be a finitely graded ring with the following property: if $x \in A_i$ and $y \in A_j$ and $i+j \leq N$, then $$xy = 0 \text{ implies } x = 0 \text{ or } y = 0.$$ Hence ...
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