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Questions about the branch of algebra that deals with groups.

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1 answer

Second cohomology of the adjoint representation

Let $p$ be a prime and let $M_p$ be the $\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb{F}_p)$-module of $2 \times 2$ matrices over $\mathbb{F}_p$ with trace $0$ (the action is by conjugation). Is it true that for $p$ large ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Generalizing a codistributive property of sufficiently disjoint normal subgroups to protomodular categories

In a poset, whenever the meets and joins below exist, their universal properties induce a containment $$(A\vee B)\wedge (A\vee C)\geq A\vee(B\wedge C).$$ This is an instance of codistributivity. In a ...
Arrow's user avatar
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7 votes
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Does a central extension split over some finite index subgroup?

Consider a central extension of groups $\mathcal{E}$ : $$1\rightarrow A\rightarrow \widetilde{G}\rightarrow G \rightarrow 1$$with $A$ finite cyclic. Does there always exist a finite index subgroup $H$ ...
abx's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Web interface for GAP (or other computer algebra system dealing with finite groups)?

GAP is computer algebra system which allows to make calculations with finite groups. (See wikipedia link for an example). Is there web interface for it ? (I cannot google it.) Or may be some other ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
6 votes
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In the group ring $\mathbb{Z}_p [G]$, what elements satisfy $(\sum a_g g)^p = \sum a_g g^p$?

Here $\mathbb{Z}_p$ is the ring of integers in $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Preferably I would want to know this for a general group $G$, but I have been concentrating on the case $G = (\mathbb{Z} / p^n \mathbb{Z}...
user48096's user avatar
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Goldman Lie algebra of a bordered surface vs. a closed surface?

How are the Goldman Lie algebra of a closed surface $\overline{S}$ and the bordered surface $S$ obtained by taking $\overline{S}$ and removing an open disc (or more generally, $n$ disjoint discs) ...
Nati's user avatar
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21 votes
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Morphism from a surface group to a symmetric group, lifted to the braid group

Let $\Sigma_g$ be the fundamental group of the closed orientable surface of genus $g\ge 2$; let $B_n$ be the braid group on $n\ge 3$ braids; let $S_n$ be the symmetric group on $n$ letters; let $p:B_n\...
Gael Meigniez's user avatar
6 votes
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Need help remembering elegant but forgotten proof of a forgotten theorem [closed]

I would like to apologize in advance for this question, it's very vague. I once attended a lecture in Abstract Algebra where the professor proved a surprisingly fundamental theorem in a remarkably ...
Tobias's user avatar
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A question about Mostow's theorem for self-adjoint groups

In Mostow's paper Self-adjoint groups, one can find the following property. Theorem. Let $G\subset \mathrm{GL}_{n,\mathbb{R}}$ be a reductive real algebraic subgroup. Then there exists $a\in \...
Golden Wave 's user avatar
3 votes
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Group action on R^n [closed]

I am studying the symmetries of a particular function, $$ f: R^n \rightarrow R $$ which leave $f(x)$ unchanged (i.e. so $f(Ax) = f(x)$ for some matrix $A \in R^{n \times n}$). I have found that my ...
user3516849's user avatar
17 votes
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Monstrous Langlands-McKay or what is bijection between conjugacy classes and irreducible representation for sporadic simple groups?

Context: The number of conjugacy classes equals to the number of irreducuble representations (over C) for any finite group. Moreover for the symmetric group and some other groups there is "good ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
21 votes
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Girth of the symmetric group

Let $n \in \mathbb N$ and $\{\sigma,\tau\} \subset {\rm Sym}(n)$ be a generating set. Question: What is the maximal possible girth (if one varies $\sigma, \tau$) of the associated Cayley graph? I ...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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11 votes
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$SL_n(\mathbb{Z})$ is co-hopfian

Is it true that $SL_n(\mathbb{Z})$ is co-hopfian for $n \geq 3$? I heard about this result, but I can't find any reference. Would be grateful for any references!
Maria  Gerasimova's user avatar
22 votes
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What finite simple groups we can obtain using octonions?

Rearranged on 2017-05-31 What I am missing is a uniform definition of finite simple groups. Especially sporadic groups are difficult to define. Many of the finite groups are defined using machinery ...
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Concentration of Reduced words

This might be a rather broad question, and I'll be satisfied with some intuition and pointers to relevant literature. However, I'll certainly fill in more context and details based on any feedback. ...
BharatRam's user avatar
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Mackey Obstruction Class with Integral Coefficients

Consider an exact sequence of groups \begin{equation} 1\rightarrow H\rightarrow K\rightarrow G \rightarrow1~. \end{equation} Mackey theory enables us to understand representations of $K$ in terms of ...
Clay Cordova's user avatar
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Semidirect product of $G$-posets

Let $P$ be a poset on which a partially ordered group $G$ acts by monotone bijections. I call these guys $G$-posets. If I'm not wrong, the semidirect product of two partially ordered groups remains ...
fosco's user avatar
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Finiteness properties of mapping class groups

Question: Is it known if the mapping class groups (of surfaces of finite type) are similar to Gromov-hyperbolic groups in the following senses: 1) Does every finite generating set give us a finite ...
Mehdi Yazdi's user avatar
11 votes
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Identifying a group without 2-torsion

Suppose we have a finitely presented group $G$ with solvable word problem. (For instance, the command RWSGroup in Magma terminates giving us a finite [but possibly gigantic] rewrite system.) Is there ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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Monoid of continuous self-maps of (real) surfaces

Let $S$ be a closed surface of genus $g > 0$ and $[S,S] = Hom(\pi_{1}(S),\pi_{1}(S))$ be the monoid of (homotopy classes of) continuous maps from $S$ to itself. Consider the semi-group $A$ of ...
Nick L's user avatar
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Symmetric analogue of "alternating bihomomorphism is skew of 2-cocycle" theorem

Let $G$ be a finite abelian group. It is well-known that every alternating bihomomorphism $\Omega:G\times G \to \mathbb{C}^\times$ arises as the skew $\kappa/\kappa^T$ of a 2-cocycle $\kappa \in Z^2(G,...
Bipolar Minds's user avatar
9 votes
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Kaplansky conjecture (consequences)

The Kaplansky conjecture says that: for any field $F$ and any torsion free group $G$, the group ring $F[G]$ does not have nontrivial idempotent elements. Questions Do we assume that $F$ has any ...
Nguyen lan Lee's user avatar
4 votes
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For which groups is (non-)left orderability decidable?

Mainly, my question is in the title, but let me be more precise here. Let $G$ be a finitely presented group with solvable word problem. If G is not left-orderable, is there an finite-time algorithm ...
Neil Hoffman's user avatar
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Inverse limits and first isomorphism theorem for compact topological groups

This question was originally asked on MathSE here. I have a problem with Proposition (1.2.1) from J. Wilson's book 'Profinite Groups' The proposition is the following: Let $(G, \varphi_i : G \to ...
FrankMiller's user avatar
3 votes
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Weak Pronormality of a finite group

Definition: A subgroup $H$ of $G$ is said to be pronormal in $G$ if for all $g\in G$, there exists $x \in \langle H, H^g \rangle$ such that $H^x =H^g$. Definition: A subgroup $H$ of $G$ is said to be ...
R Maharaj's user avatar
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Subtle point in definition of BNS invariant

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group. Let $S(G)$ be the quotient of $\text{Hom}(G,\mathbb{R}) \setminus \{0\}$ by the equivalence relation that identifies two homomorphisms if they differ by scaling ...
Andy Putman's user avatar
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Subgroups and quotients of an abelian pro-finite group

It is well known that every subgroup $H$ of a finite abelian group $G$ is isomorphic to a quotient of $G$. I'm wondering whether there is a counterpart for profinite groups. For example is it true ...
user106317's user avatar
6 votes
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Reference request: Reduced reflection length in Coxeter groups

I recently read this paper, where the authors define on page 26 what they call the reduced reflection length. For that we take a Coxeter group $G$ with Coxeter generators $S$ and transpositions $T$. ...
Dirk's user avatar
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Finite index subgroups of a RAAG

Let $G$ be the group given by the presentation $$\langle x,y,z,w \ | \ xy = yx, yz = zy, zw = wz\rangle.$$ This is a right-angled Artin group (RAAG) whose graph is a path on $4$ vertices. We can ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Visualization (even locally) of graphs with given infinite group

I want to give a lecture about Frucht theorem (and its generalization) which state that: for each finite group $G$, there is at least one finite graph $\Gamma$ such that $Aut(\Gamma)\cong G$. For each ...
Shahrooz's user avatar
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Can a simple group be equivalent to a non-simple group?

Two abstract groups $G$ and $H$ are called equivalent, $G\sim H$, if each of them is isomorphic to a subgroup of another. Question: Can a simple group $G$ be equivalent to a non-simple group $H$? Of ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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Homeomorphisms vs Borel automorphisms

Let $\mathrm{Homeo}(M)$ and $\mathrm{Borel}(M)$ be the groups of homeomorphic and Borel automorphisms of a space $M$, respectively. Question: Are $\mathrm{Homeo}(M)$ and $\mathrm{Borel}(M)$ ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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10 votes
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From Gassmann-Sunada triples to isospectral manifolds

A Gassmann-Sunada triple is a triple $(U,V,W)$ of groups, with $V, W$ subgroups of $U$, such that $U$ and $V$ meet every conjugacy class in $U$ in the same number of elements, and such that $V$ and $W$...
THC's user avatar
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Lower bound for order of matrix modulo $n$

For a positive integer $n$ and a square matrix $A$ with integral entries, let $\text{ord}(A, n)$ be the smallest positive integer $k$ such that $A^k \equiv \mathbf{1} \bmod n$, if such integer $k$ ...
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2 votes
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Subgroup of a free group that is characteristic but not totally characteristic

Looking for a counter example (if it exists) and a reference for further reading. Can there be a subgroup of finite index in a finitely generated free group that is characteristic but not totally ...
Noam Kolodner's user avatar
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no classification of nilpotent lie groups

there is no classification of (simply connected) nilpotent lie groups, but I am tempted to try to generalize the construction of the Heisenberg group. For an upper triangular matrix: $$ \left( \...
john mangual's user avatar
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The group of $k$-automorphisms of $k[x_1,\ldots,x_n,x_1^{-1}]$

Let $k$ be a field (of characteristic zero). For $k[x_1,\dotsc,x_n]$ it is known that the affine and triangular automorphisms generate $G_n$, the group of automorphisms of $k[x_1,\dotsc,x_n]$, see, ...
user237522's user avatar
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are all simply connected nilpotent lie groups matrix groups over $\mathbb{R}$?

Mathworld just says that the lower central series terminates: $\mathfrak{g}_1= [ \mathfrak{g}, \mathfrak{g}]$, $\mathfrak{g}_2= [ \mathfrak{g}, \mathfrak{g}_1]$ and $\mathfrak{g}_n= [ \mathfrak{g}, \...
john mangual's user avatar
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Non-existence of nontrivial finite group extension of any simply-connected Lie group

Let $Q$ be a simply-connected compact Lie group. Can one outline the proof (or provide the counter examples if my statement is false) that there does not exist any group $G$ (with no topology) ...
wonderich's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there a topologizable group admitting only Raikov-complete group topologies?

Definition. A group $G$ is called complete (resp. non-topologizable) if each Hausdorff group topology on $G$ is Raikov-complete (resp. discrete). It is clear that each non-topologizable group is ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Short proof a monoid is a group iff every splitting is right homogeneous

In the paper "Schreier split epimorphisms between monoids" by Bourn, Nelson, Martins-Ferreira, Montoli and Sobral, Semigroup Forum June 2014, the authors prove a characterization of groups among ...
Arrow's user avatar
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Identify one group of linear transformations

Let $G$ be the subgroup of $\mathrm{GL}_9(\mathbf{Q})$ defined as follows: Letting $(a_1,a_2,a_3,a_4,a_5,a_6,a_7,a_8,a_9)$ be the canonical basis of $\mathbf{Q}^9$, $G$ is generated by: All ...
S. Razamat's user avatar
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Wielandt automorphism tower theorem

I wanted to know if anyone can point me to an (ideally freely available) english translation of the proof of Wielandt's Automorphism Tower Theorem (1939). The theorem states the following: Given a ...
Justin Benfield's user avatar
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Determining subgroup of finite group of Lie type from characteristic polynomials

Suppose you have $G$ a finite group of Lie type (say $\mathrm{Sp}_4( \mathbb{F}_5)$ as a case I particularly care about, but there are others.) Your friend picks a subgroup $H$ and selects random ...
Watson Ladd's user avatar
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group theory behind the Kloosterman bound $| S(m,n;c) |< 2\, c^{3/4}$

I am trying to understand Kloosterman sums and their estimates (e.g. from [1], which does not prove) $$ \Big| S(m,n;c) \Big| = \Big| \sum_{(x,c) = 1} e\big( \frac{mx + nx^{-1}}{c}\big) \Big| < 2\, ...
john mangual's user avatar
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The order of the system normalizer in a finite solvable group

Definition: Let $G$ be a finite solvable group and $\Sigma \in \text{H}(G)$, the set of Hall systems of $G$. The normaliser of $\Sigma$ is defined as $$ N_G(\Sigma) = \{ g\in G \,|\, H=H^g \text{ for ...
R Maharaj's user avatar
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p-group as a product of two abelian normal subgroups

Thanks for any comment or answer. Let $G$ be a finite non-abelian $p$-group such that $G=AB$ where $A=C_G(a)$ and $B=C_G(b)$ are maximal abelian normal subgroups of $G$ such that $A\cap B=Z(G)$, ...
Maryam's user avatar
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Volume of $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ [closed]

So according to I can write the Haar measure of $SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ as $$d\mu = \sinh^2(r) dr dk dk'$$ where $r$ runs over nonnegative real numbers ...
Alireza Behtash's user avatar
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On the average number of subgroups per conjugacy class

At some point in the future, I hope to do some work on estimates for the number of conjugacy classes of subgroups of a finite group (by an estimate here, I mean an upper bound). Assuming, for the ...
the_fox's user avatar
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14 votes
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$\mathbb{Z}$-module structure of the subring generated by an algebraic number

Let $a$ and $b$ be algebraic numbers which are not necessarily algebraic integers. Is there some invariant that allows us to determine whether $\mathbb Z[a]$ and $\mathbb Z[b]$ are isomorphic as $\...
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