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Questions about the branch of algebra that deals with groups.

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How many sporadic simple groups are there, really?

I attended a talk by John Conway recently where he explained to us that the usual number, 26, was wrong, that there are in fact 27 sporadic simple groups. His reason was that the Tits group, which is ...
Simon Rose's user avatar
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Poset defined on pairs of subgroups

Let $G$ be a group. Consider the set $P(G)$ of all pairs $(H,N)$ of subgroups of $G$ such that $N$ is a normal subgroup of $H$. Consider the relation $\leq_G$ on $P(G)$ defined as follows: $(H,N)\...
Veronica Phan's user avatar
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On uniform Kazhdan's property (T)

For a finitely generated group $\Gamma$ and its finite generating subset $S$, the Kazhdan constant $\kappa(\Gamma,S)$ is defined to be $$\kappa(\Gamma,S)=\inf_{\pi,v} \max_{g\in S} \| v - \pi_g v \|,$...
Narutaka OZAWA's user avatar
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Diffeomorphisms of $\mathbf R^n$

Let $G={\rm Diff}_0^c(\mathbf R^n)$, $n\geq 1$, be the group of compactly supported diffeomorphisms isotopic to the identity through compactly supported isotopies. Question: Is there an example to ...
Jarek Kędra's user avatar
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Quantitative form of Wielandt's theorem

The following theorem was proved in [Helmut Wielandt. Eine Verallgemeinerung der invarianten Untergruppen. Mathematische Zeitschrift 45 (1939): 209-244.] a long time ago: Theorem: (Wielandt) There ...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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Is this "Homology" useful to study?

In the usual singular homology of a topological space $X$, one consider the free abelian group generated by all continuous maps from the standard simplex $\Delta^{n}$ to $X$. Now we can ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Relation Between Truncated Braid Groups and Regular Tilings of the Complex and Hyperbolic Plane

This is perhaps a vague question, but hopefully there exists literature on the subject. The question is motivated by an answer I gave to this question on math.SE. There exists a rather remarkable ...
Dan Rust's user avatar
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Galois theory: Generalization of Abel's Theorem?

Let $L$ stand for the field obtained by adjoining to ${\Bbb Q}$ all roots of all polynomials of the form $x^n+ax+b$, $a,b\in {\Bbb Q}$. What polynomials $p$ don't split over $L$? In particular, ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Are all these groups CAT(0) groups?

Given a geodesic metric space $X$ together with a choice of midpoints $m:X\times X\rightarrow X$ (i.e. $d(m(x,y),x)=d(m(x,y),y)=d(x,y)/2$). Assume furthermore, that the following nonpositive curvature ...
HenrikRüping's user avatar
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Is the monster group maximal in SO(196883)?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$The smallest degree of a nontrivial complex representation of the monster group $ M $ is $ 196883 $. This irrep has Schur indicator $ 1 $, so the image must lie in the ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Is this class of groups already in the literature or specified by standard conditions?

In recent work Lifting $N_\infty$ operads from conjugacy data on homotopical combinatorics / $N_\infty$ operads in equivariant homotopy theory, collaborators Scott Balchin, Ethan MacBrough, and I ...
kyleormsby's user avatar
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Surprisingly only real points on intersection of certains quadrics

Let $G$ be a finite group and let $X_g$ be variables indexed by $G$. Consider the complex algebraic set defined by \begin{align} X_e &= 0\\ X_g &= X_{g^{-1}}\;\;\text{ for all }g\in G,\\ X_g &...
Peter Mueller's user avatar
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Which irreducible representations of the symmetric group are eigenspaces of class sums?

In the setting of complex representations of finite groups, a class sum $1_C=\sum_{g\in C} g$ acts on an irreducible representation $V$ as $\lambda(C,V)\operatorname{Id}$, where $\lambda(C,V)=|C|\...
Hjalmar Rosengren's user avatar
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Open questions about automorphism tower theorem

Joel Hamkins has left four open questions about automorphism tower theorem in his wonderful paper Every group has a terminating transfinite automorphism tower. In fact, the four questions are "...
Steve Jacob's user avatar
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Algebra for the Baby

I am reading the following article. Ryba, Alexander J.E., A natural invariant algebra for the Baby Monster group., J. Group Theory 10, No. 1, 55-69 (2007). ZBL1228.20012.. Author works with 4370-...
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What is the mathematical name for the anomaly for an action of a group on a lattice conformal field theory?

Suppose $V$ is a (bosonic) chiral conformal field theory which is "holomorphic" in the sense that its category of vertex modules is trivial. (The definition of "chiral conformal field theory" might be ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Finite quotients of amalgamated products with virtually nilpotent factors

Consider the amalgamated product $A\ast_C B$ of groups such that $A\neq C\neq B$ and both factors $A$, $B$ are finitely generated virtually nilpotent. Does $A\ast_C B$ always have a subgroup of some ...
Igor Belegradek's user avatar
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Does the category of G-spectra know G?

I was recently in the situation of having access to the category of $G$-modules (for some group $G$ which I had forgotten), as just a category, i.e. no monoidal structure, together with the forgetful ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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Is $\mathbb{Z}^{\omega}$ ever the union of a chain of proper subgroups each isomorphic to $\mathbb{Z}^{\omega}$?

Recall that the covering number $cov(B)$ is the least cardinal $\kappa$ such that $\kappa$ meagre sets cover the real line. Andreas Blass and John Irwin ...
Avshalom's user avatar
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Is there an infinite field of characteristic 2 whose multiplicative group is torsion free and (direct-sum) indecomposable?

Let $F$ be a infinite field of characteristic 2 whose multiplicative group $F^*$ is torsion free. I would like to conclude that $F^*$ is decomposable or find an example where $F^*$ is indecomposable. ...
Chebolu's user avatar
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Are there additive subgroups of reals of dimension 1 with no subgroups of dimension strictly between 0 and 1?

I will use $dimA$ to denote the Hausdorff dimension of a set $A \subseteq \mathbb{R}$. Being a null set means having Lebesgue measure zero. In the 1966 paper "Additive gruppen mit vorgegebener ...
James E. Reid's user avatar
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The symmetric group and the field with one element

I've heard a few times that the symmetric group is an algebraic group over a field with one element, and that the alternating group is quite specifically $SO_n(\mathbb{F}_1)$. This does make a lot of ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Who conjectured that a transitive projective plane is Desarguesian?

The only known finite projective plane with a transitive automorphism group is the Desarguesian plane $PG(2,q)$ and it seems likely that there are no others, although this is not (quite) proved. ...
Gordon Royle's user avatar
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Some questions on unitarisability of discrete groups

In this post I would like to ask several of questions related to Dixmier problem. I will try to make the post as self-contained as possible. A discrete group $G$ is unitarisable if for every Hilbert ...
Kate Juschenko's user avatar
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Are there free and discrete subgroups of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R}) \times \mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$ that are not Schottky on any factor?

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$Does there exist a free and discrete subgroup $\Gamma < \SL_2(\mathbb{R}) \times \SL_2(\mathbb{R})$ such that neither $\pi_1(\Gamma)$ nor $\pi_2(\Gamma)$ is free and ...
Ilia Smilga's user avatar
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Nonabelian versions of "Eudoxus reals" construction

The Eudoxus reals is a "non-conventional" construction of reals, that bypasses any construction of the rationals, instead progressing directly from $\mathbb{Z}$ to $\mathbb{R}$ (or in some versions, ...
Alex Meiburg's user avatar
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What do we call a functor of orbits and isomorphisms?

If $G$ is a finite group, then inside the category of $G$-sets and $G$-maps there is the subcategory whose objects are the orbits (transitive $G$-sets) and whose morphisms are the isomorphisms. I have ...
Tom Goodwillie's user avatar
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Euler characteristic of *hyperbolic* orbifolds

This is a follow-up to this question. Which rational numbers arise as Euler characteristics of orbifold quotients of $\mathbb{H}^n?$ The answer is not even clear for $n=2.$ It is clear that the Euler ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Finite groups inside an infinite group with the same homology

Suppose we have a triple of groups $G,H,K$ satisfying the following conditions: $G$ and $H$ are finite groups and $K$ is an infinite group. there exist two monomorphisms $G \rightarrow K \leftarrow H$...
Ilias A.'s user avatar
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A meager subgroup of the real line, which cannot be covered by countably many closed subsets of measure zero?

Is there a ZFC-example of a subgroup $H$ of the real line $\mathbb R$ such $H$ is meager, has zero Lebesgue measure, but cannot be covered by countably many closed subsets of measure zero in $\mathbb ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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On sentences true in all finite groups (revisited)

Let $w$ be a group word with variables $\bar x, \bar y$, where $\bar x=(x_1,\dots ,x_m)$ and $\bar y=(y_1,\dots ,y_n).$ I am interested in the following questions. (1) Is the sentence $(\forall\bar ...
owb's user avatar
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Does anybody know if the Fourier algebra of SL(3,Z) has an approximate identity?

(Note to those who like to tidy LaTeX, or ${\rm \LaTeX}$: I kindly request that you don't put any LaTeX in the title of this question, nor change the bolds below to blackboard bold.)$\newcommand{\FA}{{...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Bounding the lengths of the conjugators in the word problem for finite group presentations

Let $G = \langle X \mid R \rangle$ be a group defined by a finite presentation, and let $F$ be the free group on $X$. If $w \in F$ represents the identity in $G$, then $w$ is equal in $F$ to (the free ...
Derek Holt's user avatar
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Cyclic Sylow $p$-subgroup in finite simple groups

I came accross a beautiful and "simple" (no pun intended) theorem, mentioned here in slide 14 by Jack Schmidt. All finite simple groups have a cyclic Sylow $p$-subgroup for some $p$ I found ...
Portland's user avatar
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Higher-dimensional algebraic subgroups of the proalgebraic Nottingham group?

Let $R$ be a commutative ring, and, for $n\ge0$, ${\mathcal{A}}_n={\mathcal{A}}_n(R)$ the group of series $u(x)=\sum_0^\infty a_jx^{j+1}\in R[[x]]$ for which $a_0\in R^\times$ and $u(x)\equiv x\pmod{x^...
Lubin's user avatar
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Does every finite group have a small projective representation (over some ring)?

Question. Let $G$ be a finite group. Can we find some (commutative) ring $R$ and some positive integer $d=O(\log\lvert G\rvert)$ such that $G$ can be found as a subgroup of $\operatorname{PGL}_d(R)$? ...
Carl Schildkraut's user avatar
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Writing an element of a free product of $C_2$'s as a product of order-$2$ elements

My question is simple: Suppose that $G$ is isomorphic to the free product of finitely many copies of $C_2$. Is it true that any element $g \in G$ can be written as a product $g = s_1 \dotsm s_m$ such ...
Jeff Yelton's user avatar
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God's number for higher dimensional Rubik's cubes

In this MO question, user Martin Brandenburg asks about God's number for $n \times n \times n$-cubes for $n>3$. Here, God's number $g(n)$ was defined as the smallest number $m$ such that every ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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Non-isomorphic groups with same character tables and different Brauer character tables

Let $A$ be a discrete valuation ring with perfect residue field $k$ of characteristic $p$ and field of fractions $K$ of characteristic $0$. Let $G$ and $H$ be two finite groups and assume that $K$ is ...
Sebastian A. Spindler's user avatar
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How many steps on $S_n$ are required to span $V\wedge V$, $V = K^n$?

Let $A$ be a set of generators of $G=S_n$; assume $e\in A$, $A=A^{-1}$. Let $V = K^n$, $K$ a field. Consider the natural action of $G$ on $V$ (namely, $g(e_i) = e_{g(i)}$) and on $W = V\wedge V$ (...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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If two group actions lead to the same orbifold, are they conjugate?

In The Geometry and Topology of Three-Manifolds, Thurston says: "In these examples, it was not hard to construct the quotient space from the group action. In order to go in the opposite direction, we ...
Kiran Parkhe's user avatar
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The third (co)homology group

I need to prove that the third (co)homology group of a certain finitely presented group is not finitely generated. The group is not an amalgamated product or an HNN extension, and it does not act ...
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A connected Borel subgroup of the plane

It is known that the complex plane $\mathbb C$ contain dense connected (additive) subgroups with dense complement but each dense path-connected subgroup of $\mathbb C$ necessarily coincides with $\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Does Thompson's group $V$ have property AP?

Property AP: A discrete group $\Gamma$ has property AP (Approximation Property) if there exists a net $(\phi_i)_{i \in I}$ of finitely supported functions on $\Gamma$ such that $\phi_i \to 1 $ weak$^*$...
tattwamasi amrutam's user avatar
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Converse of Frobenius

Enumerate the elements of a finite group $G$ as follows: $g_1,g_2,\dots,g_n$. Introduce $n$ variables indexed by the elements of $G$: $x_{g_1},\dots,x_{g_n}$. Consider the matrix $X_G$ with entries $...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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A question concerning model theory of groups

Several days ago, Professor Martin Bridson gave a very nice talk in my department. Some questions concerning his talk came into my brain Since I am neither a model theorist nor a algebraist, I am not ...
喻 良's user avatar
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Proof of Cauchy's Theorem from Group Theory - Generalizable?

There are many proofs for Cauchy's Theorem from group theory, which states that if a prime $p$ divides the order of a finite group $G$, then $\exists g\in G$ of order $p$. Recently I've encountered ...
Ofir Gorodetsky's user avatar
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Reference for class of involutions containing longest element of finite Coxeter group?

Consider a finite (say irreducible) Coxeter group $W$ with a fixed generator set $S$ and rank $n$. This is the same thing as a finite real reflection group, generated by a set of “simple” ...
Jim Humphreys's user avatar
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Solving a set of equations in a finite symmetric group

A standard way to find solutions to a finite set of equations in a finite symmetric group ${\rm S}_n$ is to take the equations as relators of a finitely presented group, to use the low index subgroups ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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What Is The Minimal Monomial of the Symmetric Group?

In the symmetric group $S_n$ what is the shortest sequence $c_1,\ldots,c_k\in S_n$ such that, for all $x\in S_n$ the following product of conjugates of $x$: $$x^{c_1}x^{c_2}\ldots x^{c_k}$$ equals the ...
Milo Brandt's user avatar

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