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1 answer

Can we find background noise for every Følner sequence in a countable amenable group?

Let $G$ be a countable amenable group. We consider sequences $(z_g)_{g\in G}$ of complex numbers with $|z_g|=1$ for all $g\in G$. I will say $(z_g)_{g\in G}$ is background noise for a (left-)Følner ...
Saúl RM's user avatar
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8 votes
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Constant Martin kernel and amenability

Consider a finitely supported random walk on a discrete group G such that the support generates $G$ as a semigroup. The Martin kernels are then non-negative functions on the product $G \times M$ where ...
Klaus Thomsen's user avatar
8 votes
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Superharmonic functions and amenability

Let $G$ be a group generated by a finite set $S$. Let $P$ be a Markov operator defined by the uniform measure on $S$. A function is superharmonic if $Pf\leq f$. Assume that there is a set of non-...
Kate Juschenko's user avatar
4 votes
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Estimates for simple random walks in groups of intermediate growth

I'm looking for references for the rate of escape and return probability for a group of intermediate growth. Let $0<\alpha < 1$. If the volume growth is $\succeq \mathrm{exp}(n^\alpha)$, then (...
ARG's user avatar
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3 votes
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A stronger version of supramenability?

A group $G$ is supramenable iff for all $\varnothing\ne A\subseteq G$ there is a finitely-additive left-$G$-invariant measure $\mu_A$ on $G$ with $\mu_A(A)=1$. I'm interested in a seemingly stronger ...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar
5 votes
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Probabilities of a random walk exiting a set

Let $F$ be a finite connected set in a graph (soon to be the Cayley graph of a group) and $\mathrm{Ex}_x^F$ be the function on the vertices in $F^c$ which are neighbour to vertices in $F$ defined as ...
ARG's user avatar
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Amenability with respect to a function

Let $(G,\cdot)$ be a group and $\phi:G\rightarrow\mathbb R$ bounded. Let me say that the pair $(G,\phi)$ is amenable if there is a finitely additive probability measure $\mu$ on $G$ such that for all $...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar