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Generating set of permutation group such that generators do not "contain" other group elements

Let $(G, X)$ be a permutation group with domain $X$. Let $O=\{o_1,\dots,o_m\}$ be the set of orbits of $G$. I am interested in generating sets $S$ with the following property: Let $g\in S$ be a ...
Martin Rubey's user avatar
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Is there a known classification of regular multiplicity-free permutation groups?

The question is in the title, but let me clarify the terminology. I consider a permutation group $\Sigma\subseteq\mathrm{Sym}(\Omega)$ on a finite set $\Omega$. $\Sigma$ is regular if it acts ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Source for: a permutation group is multiplicity-free if and only if its 2-orbits define an association scheme

I have recently proven the following (at least, so I believe): Theorem. Given a permutation group $\Sigma\subseteq\mathrm{Sym}(\Omega)$ on the set $\Omega:=\{1,...,n\}$, the following are equivalent: ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Request for a modern Reference for Frobenius' paper "Über die Charaktere der mehrfach transitiven Gruppen"

I'm interested in the paper of Jan Saxl "The Complex Characters of the Symmetric Groups that Remain Irreducible in Subgroups". I have only (not yet enough!) standard background on the ...
gualterio's user avatar
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Connections between linear representations and permutation representations

A finite group $\Gamma$ might be represented by a linear transformation $$\rho : \Gamma\to\mathrm{GL}(\Bbb R^d),$$ or by permutations $$\phi :\Gamma\to\mathrm{Sym}(n).$$ Of course, latter ones can ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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Doubly primitive groups with simple socle

The classification of doubly transitive groups with simple socle is known. A good account of such classification can be found for example in this paper: Cameron, Peter J. Finite permutation groups ...
Leandro Vendramin's user avatar