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Which group algebras in analysis are "true group algebras"?

Let $G$ be a group, $A$ a unital associative algebra over ${\mathbb C}$, and let us call a representation of $G$ in $A$ an arbitrary map $\pi:G\to A$ such that $$ \pi(1)=1,\qquad \pi(a\cdot b)=\pi(a)\...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What does the unique mean on weakly almost periodic functions look like?

There is a unique invariant mean $m$ on WAP functions on any discrete group (see definitions below, theorem of ?). However, the proofs I found are fairly non-explicit on how to obtain this invariant ...
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What are the matrix coefficients associated with the irreducible representations of compact real linear algebraic groups?

What are the matrix coefficients associated with the irreducible representations of a compact real linear algebraic group $G$? Peter-Weyl tells us that $L^2(G)$ is the (closure of) $\bigoplus_\pi A_{\...
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