Questions tagged [gn.general-topology]

Continuum theory, point-set topology, spaces with algebraic structure, foundations, dimension theory, local and global properties.

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Measurability of integrals with respect to different measures

Let $Y$ be a locally compact Hausdorff topological space (further assumptions like metrizability, separability, etc., may be added if necessary) and let $\mathscr Y$ denote the Borel $\sigma$-algebra ...
triple_sec's user avatar
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Preservation of topological properties in between two topologies

Let $X$ be a set, $\tau_1 \leq \tau_2$ two comparable topologies on $X$ ($\tau_1$ is weaker than $\tau_2$) and consider some topological property $\varphi$ that holds for both $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$. I ...
yada's user avatar
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Reconstructing relations with the image relation of a topology

For any topological space $(X,\tau)$ we define $$R_{im}(X,\tau) := \{(x,y)\in X^2: (\exists f:X\to X) \text{ continuous and surjective with } f(x) = y\}.$$ Clearly, $R_{im}(X,\tau)$ is reflexive. This ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Is an open subset of a compact subset of a Hausdorff locally convex TVS paracompact?

This repeats the title in a more readable way. Take a compact subset $X$ of a Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space and $U$ be an open subset of $X$. Is $U$ paracompact?
Guilherme Carmona's user avatar
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$T_2$-space $X$ with $X\cong \text{Aut}(X)$

Is there an infinite $T_2$-space $X$ with $X\cong \text{Aut}(X)$? (Here, $\text{Aut}(X)$ is the set of automorphisms $\varphi:X\to X$ and it carries the topology inherited from the product topology on ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Is $\mathcal{P}(\omega)/fin$ with the interval topology a connected space?

Is $\mathcal{P}(\omega)/fin$ with the interval topology a connected space? (You find the definition of $\mathcal{P}(\omega)/fin$ here.) Remark: According to this, the interval topology of $\mathcal{P}...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Why the intersection of a scott open (or \w the relatively compactness property) filter on a topology of a sober (and 2nd countable) space is compact?

Definitions and notations. Let $\mathcal{P}(X)$ the power set of $X$. Let $\tau_X\subseteq\mathcal{P}(X)$ a topology on X. We call $A$ irreducible if every time $A=B\cup C$ with $B,C$ closed set ...
Corrado's user avatar
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A souped-up version of a question asked previously about uncountable subsets of topological spaces

Let T be an uncountable Hausdorff space. The following property of T will be referred to as "property P". If S is any uncountable subset of T, then the set of all points of S that are not limit points ...
Garabed Gulbenkian's user avatar
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Topological degree of homogeneous function of degree k [closed]

Let $F:\mathbb{C}\to \mathbb{C}$ be a homogeneous map of degree $k$ (i.e., $F(tx)=t^kF(x)$, $t>0$). It is true that $F$ has topological degree less than or equal to k? This is true if F is ...
UserX2017's user avatar
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Actions of compact Lie groups on (possibly but hopefully not) non-regular spaces

Suppose $G$ is a compact Lie group acting freely on a topological space $Q$ (about whose separation conditions I make no assumptions) and the qoutient $Q/G$ is known to be completely regular Hausdorff ...
David Carchedi's user avatar
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A uniformity with a countable base is a pseudometric uniformity.

I need a proof for this proposition: If a uniformity $\mathfrak U$ on $X$ has a countable fundamental system of entourages, then it can be defined by a pseudometric on $X$. which is the ...
user31813's user avatar
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Free and cellular G-action implies free G-complex?

Recall that a CW-complex $X$ with an action of a group $G$ which permutes the cells (i.e., for any $g \in G$ and any cell $\sigma \subseteq X$, $g\sigma$ is a cell) is called a $G$-complex. If the ...
thedef's user avatar
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Is every connected regular space having more than one point uncountable?

Is every connected regular space having more than one point uncountable?
Bob young's user avatar
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Partitions of an interval

This question asks about properties of functions which are "piecewise" polynomials. I would like to ask a specific question about the meaning of "piecewise" there. Specifically, consider "partitions" ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
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On a special case of Alexander duality

Let $S^n$ be the $n$-dimensional sphere and let $K\subseteq S^n$ be a compact, locally contractible subspace of real codimension $\geq 2$. Applying Alexander duality we find that $$ \tilde{H}_{i}(S^n-...
Hugo Chapdelaine's user avatar
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Varieties, Frechet Completions, and Regular Functions

Take an algebraic variety $V$, and its set of smooth functions $C^{\infty}(V)$. One can endow $C^{\infty}(V)$ with a canonical locally convex topology (the seminorms are defined using the local ...
John McCarthy's user avatar
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Is the Hopf link a Brunnian link?

I'm trying to fill a woeful gap in my topological knowledge and learn a little knot and link theory (I'll be recording my progress on the nLab, starting with a page on links). Not wishing to write ...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
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Countable atomless boolean algebra covered by a larger boolean algebra

Suppose $Q$ is an atomless countable boolean algebra, and $B$ is an arbitrary atomless boolean algebra. $Q$ is unique modulo isomorphisms. There is a subalgebra in $B$ that is isomorphic to $Q$. There ...
Grue's user avatar
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Is a continuous functional on continuous functions the restriction of a continuous functional on the space of all functions?

As sets, we can consider the space $C(\mathbf{R}^n;\mathbf{R}^k)$ - of all continuous functions from $\mathbf{R}^n$ to $\mathbf{R}^k$ - to be a subset of the product space $(\mathbf{R}^k)^{\mathbf{R}^...
SBK's user avatar
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Is the projective limit $\mathcal{D}(\mathbb{R})$ separable?

Let $\mathscr{D}(\mathbb{R})$ be the set $C_0^\infty(\mathbb{R})$ of smooth functions with compact support endowed with the following topology: The initial topology with respect to the family maps $(\...
CoffeeArabica's user avatar
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Variation of concept of a Lusin space

Citing from Wikipedia, A Hausdorff topological space is a Lusin space if some stronger topology makes it into a Polish space. Is there a (previously studied) analogous concept of a Hausdorff (...
iolo's user avatar
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Global control of locally approximating polynomial in Stone-Weierstrass?

Let $X=\mathbb{R}$, and $\mathcal{A}:=\mathbb{R}[x]$ be the subalgebra (of $C(X)$) of univariate polynomials. Given $\varphi\in C_b(X)$ and $K\subset X$ compact, we know from Stone-Weierstrass that $$\...
fsp-b's user avatar
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Existence of diffeomorphism interpolating affine map and identity

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}$Suppose $\Omega$ is a bounded, convex domain in $\R^{m}$. Fix $x_1, x_2\in\Omega$ and an invertible matrix $A\in\mathrm{GL}^{+}(m)$ with positive determinant. Let $U\...
Sven Pistre's user avatar
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A stronger version of paracompactness

Given a topological space $(X,\tau)$, recall that a cover $\mathcal{U}$ of $X$ is locally finite if for every point $x\in \mathcal{U}$ has a neighborhood $U$ that intersects finitely many elements of $...
Cla's user avatar
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$4$-manifold with simply connected boundary

This may be a very silly question but I could not get any counter-example. Let $M$ be a compact differential $4$-manifold with boundary $dM$. Suppose that the inclusion map induced map $\pi_1(dM) \to \...
piper1967's user avatar
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(Homotopy) colimit and manifold

Suppose that I have an arbitrary regular CW complex. By associating a topological space to each vertex of the CW complex, I can have a diagram of topological spaces, denoted by $D$, over the CW ...
chriswest's user avatar
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Special version of $\Delta$-system Lemma for singular cardinals

In his article "Remarks on cardinal invariants in topology" (you can get the paper here: Where can I find the following S. Shelah's paper?), Saharon Shelah states the following claim: (...
Peluso's user avatar
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Is $\mathbb R$ with cocountable topology star-$K$-compact?

A space $X$ is said to be starcompact if for every open cover $\mathcal U$ of $X$ there exists a finite subset $\mathcal V\subseteq\mathcal U$ such that $St(\cup\mathcal V,\mathcal U)=X$. A space $X$ ...
Nur Alam's user avatar
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What to call a continuous function with preimage preserving nowhere-density?

Currently I am reading some basic literature on descriptive set theory and boolean algebras. And this comes out a lot, for example in results like: Let $X$ and $Y$ be topological spaces, and $f:X \to ...
2 votes
1 answer

An example of a $T_1$ space where all closed $G_\delta$ sets are zero-sets, but it isn't normal

In Engelking's General topology, in the exercises section, there is Ju. M. Smirnov's characterization of normal spaces: A $T_1$ space is normal iff the following properties hold (both): Every closed $...
Erekle Khurodze's user avatar
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Approximate Jordan-Brouwer theorem

This came up when thinking about this question. It is well-known that the image of a homeomorphic embedding $f:S^n\to \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ separates the space into exactly two components, one of which is ...
erz's user avatar
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A variation of closed-subgroup theorem

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$Recall that the closed-subgroup theorem (Wikipedia link) says that a closed subgroup of a Lie group is a Lie group. I am pretty sure that this theorem should have a "...
aglearner's user avatar
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Construct a homeomorphism whose periodic points set is not closed

I'm looking for a simple example in discrete dynamical systems whose periodic points set is not necessary closed. I've seen some example in websites but they are not that simple and discrete. Note ...
Reza Yaghmaeian's user avatar
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Finding 1-generic paths through a tree $T \subseteq 2^{<\omega}$

Consider Cantor space $2^\omega$ with the standard topology generated by open sets $[\sigma] = \{ \sigma^\frown x: x \in 2^\omega \}$. If $A \subseteq 2^{<\omega}$ and $x \in 2^\omega$, we say $A$ ...
Jordan Mitchell Barrett's user avatar
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Reconciling some result about the exponential map, the Chow-Rashevskii theorem, and $\mathrm{Diff}_0(M)$

Let $M$ be a $C^{\infty}$ manifold $C^{\infty}$-diffeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^d$. I've recently come across some results which I'm trying to reconcile. Let $\mathfrak{X}(M)$ denote the set of ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Are open sets determined by paths?

Let $X$ be a topological space, let $U \subset X$, and suppose that for every path $\gamma\colon [0,1] \to X$ the preimage $\gamma^{-1}(U)$ is open. Is it true that $U$ is open? Presumably not in ...
Nick Addington's user avatar
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Properties of the topology of sequential convergence $\tau_\text{seq}$

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a Hausdorff space. Denote by $\tau_\text{seq}$ the topology on $X$ whose closed sets are the sequentially $\tau$-closed subsets of $X$. I have read that $\tau_\text{seq}$ has the ...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Is there a locally countable and weakly Lindelöf space which is not ccc

Is there a locally countable and weakly Lindelöf space which is not ccc? A space $X$ is locally countable if for each point $x\in X$ there is an open neighbourhood $O_x$ of $x$ such that $|O_x| < \...
user1's user avatar
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Are compactifications of completely $T_{4}$ spaces completely $T_{4}$?

The title is the question. Given a locally compact completely $T_{4}$ space $X$ (every subspace is $T_{4}$) and a (Hausdorff) compactification $\overline{X}$ of $X$, is $\overline{X}$ also completely ...
Robert Thingum's user avatar
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The space of Borel function modulo comeager sets is Dedekind complete

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a topological space. Denote by $Bor(X)$ the space of Borel functions $f:X\to\mathbb{R}$ where we identify two functions whenever they agree on the complement of a meager set. We ...
Littlefield's user avatar
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$T_1$-spaces vs $T_1$-hypergraphs

Let us say that a hypergraph $H=(V,E)$ is $T_1$ if for $x\neq y$ there is $e\in E$ such that $e\cap\{x,y\} = \{x\}$. Note that for any $T_1$-space $(X,\tau)$ the topology $\tau$ contains the ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Non-discrete $T_2$-space $(X,\tau)$ with $2^{|X|}$ retracts

If $(X,\tau)$ is a topological space, we call $A\subseteq X$ a retract if there is a continous map $r:X\to A$ such that $r(a) = a$ for all $a\in A$ (we assume $A$ to be endowed with the subspace ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Under what conditions the End-compactification is metrizable

Suppose that $X$ is a hemicompact space, connected and locally connected. In that case, it seems that it is possible to define a "End-compactification" of $X$ (in the sense of Freudenthal). Suppose ...
Phil-W's user avatar
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Relation between the weak star topology and hereditary Lindelöfness

Let $X$ be a Banach space. Is the following implication valid? $$ (X,w) \textrm{ is hereditarily Lindelöf}~ \Rightarrow X^*~ \textrm{is separable} $$ The converse is clearly true, since the ...
ABB's user avatar
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covering theory with compact open topology

In the following all spaces $C^0(X,Y)$ are spaces of base point preserving maps with the compact-open topology.Furthermore all spaces I consider in the following are locally pathwise connected. Under ...
Paul Pfeiffer's user avatar
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Embedding into $C\times [0,1]$

Every totally disconnected separable metric space of dimension $n$ homeomorphically embeds into $C\times \mathbb R ^n$. Is something like this known? $X$ is totally disconnected means that every ...
D.S. Lipham's user avatar
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Non-uniqueness in Krylov-Bogoliubov theorem

So apparently the Krylov-Bogoliubov theorem says that every continuous function $f:X\to X$ on a compact metrizable space $X$ has an invariant probability measure $\mu$. Of course, if $X$ is just a ...
Bjørn Kjos-Hanssen's user avatar
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"Minkowski Multiplication" of Convex Sets?

Apologies if this question might be trivial or has been asked already (haven't found an equivalent post), but I am trying to figure out whether the following is true: Given two convex sets $\mathcal{...
MrRed's user avatar
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Why is an inductive limit of bornological spaces bornological?

Let $(E_\alpha,\tau_\alpha,g_\alpha)$ be a family of bornological (locally convex) topological vector spaces $(E_\alpha,\tau_\alpha)$, where a LCTVS $E$ is said to be bornological if every circled, ...
Dominic Wynter's user avatar
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Could Furstenberg's Argument Prove the Infinitude of Primes in Number Fields?

I have a somewhat unconventional view of the Prime Number Theorem as a "quantification" of the infinitude of primes. Here I recall the argument of Furstenberg. Define a topology $\mathcal{X}$ on $\...
john mangual's user avatar
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