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are trivial fibrations of finite CW-complexes soft for normal maps?

Are trivial Hurewicz fibrations of finite CW-complexes soft for normal maps, i.e. is it true that for any trivial Hurewicz fibration $f:Y_1\to Y_2$ and a closed subset $A$ of a hereditary normal space ...
user420620's user avatar
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How to prove that there does not exist any plane isotopy from the logarithmic spiral onto the real line? [closed]

Questions. EDIT: readers please note that while this question arose in research, the OP was so hung-up on a question concerning infinite planar graphs that a strong a-forteriori-reason, kindly ...
Peter Heinig's user avatar
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Quotienting disk inside sphere result in sphere

Let $S^k$ be a topological $k$-dimensional sphere. Let $D^k$ be a $k$ dimensional disk that includes in $S^k$. Let $q: D^k \to D^r$ be a map and $r \leq k$. Let $$W = S^k \sqcup D^r/\sim$$ where $S^...
Prasit's user avatar
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"monotone" homotopy?

This is a question about a concept that I call "monotone homotopy" which arises in a natural way in some topological situations. Let $X$ be a (bounded) metric space, $Y$ be a topological space and $A\...
reader2's user avatar
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References for homotopy colimit

(1) What are some good references for homotopy colimits? (2) Where can I find a reference for the following concrete construction of a homotopy colimit? Start with a partial ordering, which I will ...
Kevin Walker's user avatar
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