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1 answer

Is the pointwise supremum of a continuous function continuous?

Suppose $f(x , y)$ is continuous in both variables. For any $\epsilon > 0$ and some $y_0$, let $h_{\epsilon}(x) = \max_{y^{'}: \| y^{'} - y_0 \| \leq \epsilon} f(x , y^{'})$. It seems to me that $...
4 votes
1 answer

Condition for existence of a continuous function realizing a partition

Let $\{U_i\}_{i=1}^{I}$ be a non-empty and finite collection of non-empty, disjoint, open, (and obviously bounded) subsets of $[0,1]^n$. Suppose also that $[0,1]^n=\cup_{i =1 }^{ I} \overline{U_i}$. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Lower semicontinuity of a multi-valued map $F:X\to 2^Y$ in term of net

Let $X,Y$ be two Hausdorff spaces and $F:X\to 2^Y$ be a multi-valued mapping. We says that $F$ is lower semicontinuous at $x_0\in X$ if for each $y_0\in F(x_0)$ and any neighborhood $U\in \mathcal N(...
2 votes
0 answers

A community effort: equilibrium in quitting games [closed]

This thread is in the spirit of the polymath project: a combined effort of the community to solve a difficult open problem. It is an activity of the European Network for Game Theory whose goal is to ...