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cohomology of classifying space of permutation groups

Let $\Sigma_k$ be the permutation group of order $k$. Let $r: \Sigma_k\to GL(k)$ be the regular representation by permuting the order of the standard basis of $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $\rho: B\Sigma_k\...
Shiquan Ren's user avatar
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5 votes
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Quotienting disk inside sphere result in sphere

Let $S^k$ be a topological $k$-dimensional sphere. Let $D^k$ be a $k$ dimensional disk that includes in $S^k$. Let $q: D^k \to D^r$ be a map and $r \leq k$. Let $$W = S^k \sqcup D^r/\sim$$ where $S^...
Prasit's user avatar
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Computing the fundamental group of a flag variety

Let $G$ be a compact and connected and simply connected Lie group and $\mathfrak{g}$ be its Lie algebra and $x\in\mathfrak{g}^*$. How can we compute the fundamental group of $G/G_x$ where $G_x$ is ...
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7 votes
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A problem on infinite dimensional metric space

Let $(X_{n},d_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of complete geodesic metric spaces such that: $X_{n}$ is a regular$^1$ CW-complex of constant local dimension$^3$ $n$, it is of finite type$^4$...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Homotopy problem for infinite dimensional topological space II

This post here is a specification of this post. Let $(X_{n},d_{n})_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of intrinsic metric spaces verifying : $X_{n}$ have topological dimension $n$. $X_{n+1}$ is n-...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
1 vote
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Homotopy problem for infinite dimensional topological space

Let $X$ be an infinite dimensional topological space such that : $ \forall n \in \mathbb{N}$, $ \exists X_{n} \subset X$, $n$-dimensional subspaces verifying : $\forall r<n$, the homotopy ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
10 votes
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When is the one-point compactification well-pointed?

This is a follow up to my previous question. Question: Is there a reasonably natural set of conditions which guarantee that the one-point compactification $X^+$ of a locally compact Hausdorff ...
John Klein's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

"monotone" homotopy?

This is a question about a concept that I call "monotone homotopy" which arises in a natural way in some topological situations. Let $X$ be a (bounded) metric space, $Y$ be a topological space and $A\...
reader2's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

The role of ANR in modern topology

Absolute neighborhood retracts (ANRs) are topological spaces $X$ which, whenever $i\colon X\to Y$ is an embedding into a normal topological space $Y$, there exists a neighborhood $U$ of $i(X)$ in $Y$ ...
6 votes
2 answers

Is there a good concept of a measurable fibration?

In probability theory, there are many results which are valid in purely measurable settings, usually beginning with the assumption, "let $(\Omega, \mathcal F, \mathbb P)$ be an abstract probability ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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2 answers

(Homotopy) Y ENR and contractible subset implies Y is a retract

I'm trying to solve the following question: Suppose $Y \subset R^n$ is a Euclidean neighborhood retract. I want to prove that if $Y$ is contractible, then it is a retract of $R^n$.
Clara's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Example of fiber bundle that is not a fibration

It is well-known that a fiber bundle under some mild hypothesis is a fibration, but I don't know any examples of fiber bundles which aren't (Hurewicz) fibrations (they should be weird examples, I ...
Xxxx's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is the wedge sum of two cones over the hawaiian earring contractible?

Let $X_1$ and $X_2$ be two cones over the hawaiian earring and let $X$ be the wedge sum of $X_1$ and $X_2$ (of course you join them in the special point of the hawaiian earring). How do you prove that ...
Pedro Perez's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

A fibrant-objects structure on Top

(Sorry for the crossposting, but I'm really interested in this question). One can define (Paragraph 1.5, page 10) a fibrant-object structure on a suitable cartesian closed category of topological ...
fosco's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Proper maps and transversality

I'll begin with the question, which is intrinsically interesting: Let M be a manifold with some submanifold Y. Suppose that $W \rightarrow M$ is a smooth, proper map. Does there exist another map $...
Dylan Wilson's user avatar
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1 vote
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Killing homotopy groups by removing subsets

Let $X$ be a locally finite CW-complex and let $U$ be an open subset of $X$. Given a non-zero homotopy class $x\in\pi_i(U)$ say, is it possible to find a closed subset $Z\subset U$ whose removal from $...
Spiros Adams-Florou's user avatar
5 votes
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Bitopological spaces and algebraic topology

Is it possible to introduce the concept of bitopological spaces such as $(X,T_1,T_2)$ (introduced by J.C.Kelly see Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 13 (1963) 71–89 MR0143169, J.C. Kelly) in the homotopy ...
K A Khan's user avatar
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11 votes
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How many model category structures are there on Top?

I recently started learning a little model category theory and in particular I found this nice exercise. I only know a little topology, but this prompted me to wonder how many model category ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Well-pointed space which is not locally contractible

I am looking for an example of a well-pointed space in which no (sufficiently small) neighbourhood of the base-point is contractible. As usual, a well-pointed space is a pointed space in which the ...
Ricardo Andrade's user avatar
5 votes
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Simultaneously minimizing intersections

This may be a standard problem in homotopy theory, but I don't know a good reference. Let $\Sigma$ be a smooth, oriented surface, and let $X_1,X_2$ and $X_3$ be three smoothly embedded curves in $\...
Greg Muller's user avatar
2 votes
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Shrinkable maps and universal weak equivalences

Recall that a morphism $f:X \to B$ is called shrinkable is there exists a section $s:B \to X$ together with a homotopy $$H:I \times X \to X$$ from $sf$ to $id_X$ over $B,$ i.e. for all $t$, the map $$...
David Carchedi's user avatar
3 votes
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Mapping into Hurewicz cofibrations.

In Strøm's paper "The Homotopy Category is a Homotopy Category" he proves (Lemma 4) that if $Y$ is compact and if $i:A\to X$ is a cofibration, then the induced map $$ i_*: A^Y \to X^Y $$ is also a ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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48 votes
6 answers

Why the "W" in CGWH (compactly generated weakly Hausdorff spaces)?

In his 1967 paper A convenient category of topological spaces, Norman Steenrod introduced the category CGH of compactly generated Hausdorff spaces as a good replacement of the category Top topological ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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The Space of Cellular Maps

Let $X$ and $Y$ be CW complexes. Inside of the space of maps $\mathrm{map}(X,Y)$, we have the subspace $\mathrm{CW}(X,Y)$, consisting of just the cellular maps from $X$ to $Y$. The Cellular ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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The Mapping Cylinder of a Pullback Square

Suppose I have a pullback square, which I think of as a map from the fibration $q:X\to A$ to the fibration $p:Y\to B$. Then there is an induced map $m: M \to N$ from the mapping cylinder $M$ of $X\...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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5 votes
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How can we show the spaces $M_{g}(n)$ and $M_{g, n}$ are homotopy equivalent?

How can we prove that the moduli space,$M_{g}(n)$, of genus $g$ Riemann surface with $n$ boundary components is homotopy equivalent to $M_{g,n}$, that is ,the moduli space of genus $g$ Riemann surface ...
HYYY's user avatar
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9 votes
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The Wedge Sum of path connected topological spaces

A definition of wedge sum can be found here: My professor has claimed that wedge sums of path connected spaces X and Y are well-defined up to homotopy ...
Jeff's user avatar
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An example of a space which is locally relatively contractible but not contractible?

A space $X$ is called locally contractible it it has a basis of neighbourhoods which are themselves contractible spaces. CW complexes and manifolds are locally contractible. On the other hand, the ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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What is an example of a non-regular, totally path-disconnected Hausdorff space?

I need this for a counterexample: the multiplication in the fundamental group $\pi_1(\Sigma X_+)$, when it is equipped with the topology inherited from $\Omega \Sigma X_+$, fails to be continuous for ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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13 votes
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Noncontractible connected topological rings ?

Are there any non-contractible connected topological rings? Of course, such a thing cannot be a (topological) algebra over the reals. (I have a vague memory of having a glance at an erticle by Lurie ...
Qfwfq's user avatar
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11 votes
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Which properties of finite simplicial sets can be computed?

A simplicial set $X$ is a a combinatorial model for a topological space $|X|$, its realization, and conversely every topological space is weakly equivalent to such a realization of a simplicial set. I ...
user4676's user avatar
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Homotopy equivalences and cores

Hi all, Before asking my question, I need to fix some terms and notation. Let $M$, $M'$ be locally compact, Hausdorff spaces, and $f:M\rightarrow M'$ a homotopy equivalence with homotopy inverse $g:...
Indrava Roy's user avatar
39 votes
3 answers

Why do finite homotopy groups imply finite homology groups?

Why does a space with finite homotopy groups [for every n] have finite homology groups? How can I proof this [not only for connected spaces with trivial fundamental group]? The converse is false. $\...
roger123's user avatar
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Are the C(S^n, S^n)'s homeomorphic ?

Let m, n > 1. Is it true that C(S^m, S^m), and C(S^n, S^n) are homeomorphic ? [both endowed with the sup metric (or equivalently the compact-open topology)] Generally, C(S^n, S^n), with n >= 1, is a ...
Ady's user avatar
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Stable presentable categories as module categories

There is a theorem of Schwede and Shipley which classifies categories of modules over an A∞ ring spectrum as those stable presentable (∞,1)-categories with a compact generator. Suppose I ...
Reid Barton's user avatar
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11 votes
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Relationship between universal coefficient theorem and $[K(\mathbb{Z},n), K(G,n)]$?

In short, I'm wondering whether the universal coefficient theorem can be understood/reinterpreted by using maps of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. This is a wishy-washy idea and I don't have evidence to ...
Aaron Mazel-Gee's user avatar
4 votes
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properly interpreting Pi_0 in the homotopy exact sequence

Define the lens space L(m,n) as the quotient of S2m+1 by the action of the cyclic group ℤn⊂S1⊂ℂ*. We can create the infinite lens space L(∞,n) by a telescoping construction ...
Aaron Mazel-Gee's user avatar
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Something like Yoneda's lemma

This is inspired by The Whitehead for maps question. Consider two maps f, g: X\to Y which happen to induce the same maps (of discrete spaces) ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
6 votes
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Homotopy type of stabilizers

Let X be a contractible metric space and G a topological group acting transitively on X (i.e. given any two points x,y \in X, there exists g \in G such that gx=y). My question is the following: is it ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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Base change for category objects in topological spaces

I was prompted by this question, but the motivation is different. Suppose we have an internal category object in topological spaces, i.e. an object space X and a morphism space Y, together with ...
Tyler Lawson's user avatar
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17 votes
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References for homotopy colimit

(1) What are some good references for homotopy colimits? (2) Where can I find a reference for the following concrete construction of a homotopy colimit? Start with a partial ordering, which I will ...
Kevin Walker's user avatar
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