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48 votes
8 answers

When are there enough projective sheaves on a space X?

This question is being asked on behalf of a colleague of mine. Let $X$ be a topological space. It is well known that the abelian category of sheaves on $X$ has enough injectives: that is, every ...
Pete L. Clark's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Where can I find a proof of the de Rham-Weil theorem?

Where can I find a proof of the de Rham-Weil theorem? Does anyone know?
Louis A's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Does the category of cosheaves have enough projectives?

Given a general topological space $X$ does the category $\mathbf{coShv}(X,\mathbf{Mod}_R)$ have enough projectives ? I know that under some conditions this is true, for example if $X$ is a cell ...
Hyperion's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Restricting a Soft Sheaf to an Open is again Soft?

Hi everyone! Answered to my satisfaction in the comments - thanks nosr and Jacob Bell! :) Let $X$ be Hausdorff, locally compact, paracompact. Consider $\mathcal{F}$ a soft sheaf on $X$: as there are ...
uncookedfalcon's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Characterization of global sections (which are not products) of a sheaf which is locally a product

In order to compute certain group cohomology sets I have come upon a construction which seems rather general concerning sheaves which are locally products. So I will state the problem here in a ...
Niek de Kleijn's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Spectral sequences in Hypercohomology of sheaves

Alright, here I go again, don't know if I'm missing something here but let $X$ be a topological space and let $F^{\bullet}$ be a cochain complex of sheaves, I want to compute the cohomology of this ...
Louis A's user avatar
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2 answers

Hypercohomology of a complex of sheaves that might be acyclic (or might not)

Back again, check this out, let $X$ be a topological space and let $F^{\bullet}$ be a cochain complex of sheaves, I'm trying to compute the cohomology of the complex of global sections of the sheaves ...
Louis A's user avatar
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1 answer

Spectral sequences in Hypercohomology of sheaves (For a complex of acyclic sheaves) - Follow-up to previous question

Alright, this is a follow-up to my previous question (Spectral sequences in Hypercohomology of sheaves), sorry I took so long to reply. Let $X$ be a topological space, let $F^\bullet$ be a cochain ...
Louis A's user avatar
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Soft sheaves on indiscrete paracompact spaces

Let $X$ be some space, I have basically 2 questions: 1 - Are sheaves on paracompact but not Hausdorff spaces acyclic? I've been doing some reading and some authors say that soft sheaves on ...
Richard Jennings's user avatar