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10 votes
1 answer

Are there any tests for knowing whether a topological space admits a CW structure?

We know that for n $\ge$ 5, a manifold admits a piecewise linear structure if and only if its Kirby-Siebenmann class vanish and Galewski and Stern showed the existence of a similar invariant to test ...
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0 answers

"Bad" valid edge contractions

In this paper, an edge contraction of a simplicial complex $\Gamma$ is defined as the operation of removing the neighborhood $N_e\Gamma$ of the edge $e=\{0,1\}$ and identifying $N_0\partial N_e\Gamma$ ...
1 vote
1 answer

When is a 2-bridge knot hyperbolic?

It is known that 2-bridge knots in $S^3$ can be classified by the Schubert form. My question is: which 2-bridge knots are hyperbolic? (Do we have a complete classification for hyperbolicity in 2-...
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0 answers

The smallest dihedral angle of convex polyhedrons

Given a set of points $\{x_{k}\}_{k=0}^{m} \subset \mathbb{R}^n$, is it always possible to find a constant $c=c(m,n)>0$, depending only on the dimension $n$ and the number $m$, such that, after ...
5 votes
3 answers

On a metrized $n$-dimensional manifold $X$, does every $x \in X$ have a small ball $B_\delta(x)$ that is homeomorphic to $\mathbb R^n$?

Suppose that $X$ is an $n$-dimensional topological manifold that is also metrizable, and hence equipped with some metric that induces the topology. For every point $x \in X$, let $B_\delta(x)$ be the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Finiteness of non-orientable 3-manifolds with the same orientable two-fold cover

Given a compact, orientable and boundary incompressible 3-manifold $M$. Suppose that either $M$ is closed, or $\partial M$ consists of tori. For which non-orientable 3-manifolds $N$, the orientable ...
60 votes
6 answers

Torsion in homology or fundamental group of subsets of Euclidean 3-space

Here's a problem I've found entertaining. Is it possible to find a subset of 3-dimensional Euclidean space such that its homology groups (integer coefficients) or one of its fundamental groups is not ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to properly define a slice knot (or a locally flat disk)?

A knot $K\subset\Bbb S^3=\partial \Bbb D^4$ is said to be (topolopgically) slice if there is a locally flat disk $D\subset\Bbb D^4$ with $\partial D=D\cap \Bbb S^3=K$. As far as I understand, locally ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is there a notion of "locally flat" for CW complexes?

A submanifold $X^n\subset Y^m$ is locally flat if each point $x\in X$ has a neighborhood $U\subset Y$ so that $(U,U\cap X)\simeq (\Bbb R^m, \Bbb R^n)$ with the standard embedding $\Bbb R^n\...
15 votes
3 answers

Classification of Platonic solids

My question is very basic: where can I find a complete (and hopefully self-contained) proof of the classification of Platonic solids? In all the references that I found, they use Euler's formula $v-e+...
18 votes
2 answers

Which platonic solids can form a topological torus?

8 cubes can be joined face-to-face to form a closed ring with a hole in it, with each cube sharing a face with only two others. The same can be done with 8 dodecahedrons. Is the same possible with the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to fill a boundary component of an irreducible 3-manifold using a handlebody so that the resulting manifold is still irreducible?

Let $M$ be a compact, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold with boundary (possibly more than one component). Let $S\subseteq\partial M$ be one of its boundary components, which is an orientable surface ...
5 votes
1 answer

Proving the Cork Theorem

I am reading Kirby's paper paper "Akbulut's corks and h-cobordisms of smooth simply connected 4-manifolds" and I have a question about how to actually prove the cork theorem from the results ...
14 votes
0 answers

When can we extend a diffeomorphism from a surface to its neighborhood as identity?

Let $M$ be a closed and simply-connected 4-manifold and let $f: M^4 \to M^4$ be a diffeomorphism such that $f^*: H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})\to H^*(M;\mathbb{Z})$ is the identity map. Moreover, let $\Sigma \...
9 votes
0 answers

Sheaf cohomology of non-paracompact manifolds (e.g. the long line)

I have long heard that manifolds are "affine". If we allow non-paracompact manifolds, then this seems to fail, since as explained in Dmitri Pavlov's answer, the Serre–Swan theorem fails. I ...
7 votes
2 answers

Does there exist a Dehn filling of an irreducible 3-manifold with toroidal boundaries which is still irreducible?

Let $M$ be a compact, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold with incompressible toroidal boundary (there might be more than one boundary component). Is it always possible to choose appropriate slopes on ...
5 votes
1 answer

When do two measured foliations on a surface define a Riemann surface structure?

Let $S$ be smooth surface of finite type, i.e. it has genus g and n punctures (assume $S$ to have negative Euler characteristic). We know by Hubbard-Masur theorem that given a measured foliation $(F,\...
1 vote
0 answers

Connected pre-images spanning $n$-cubes under dimension reducing maps

Let $I^n = [0,1]^n$ be the $n$-dimensional hypercube. For a continuous function $f: I^n \to \mathbb{R}^m$ with $m < n$, we're interested in the existence of points $p \in \mathbb{R}^m$ whose ...
7 votes
2 answers

Uncountable collections of distinct subsets of an interval (existence)

Throughout, $\mu$ is just the Lebesgue measure. Question: does there exist an uncountable family of distinct subsets of $[-1, 1]$, denoted by $(U_j)_{j \in [-1, 1]}$, with $\mu(U_j) > 0$ for each $...
27 votes
1 answer

connectivity of the group of orientation-preserving homeomorphisms of the sphere

In the paper "Local Contractions and a Theorem of Poincare" Sternberg has mentioned the following question which was open when the paper was written: Is the group of orientation-preserving ...
5 votes
0 answers

$M^3$ admits $Sol$ geometry if and only if $\pi_1M$ is virtually solvable but not virtually nilpotent?

Let $M$ be a closed, orientable, irreducible 3-manifold and having an infinite fundamental group. Is it true that $M$ admits $Sol$ geometry if and only if $\pi_1M$ is virtually solvable but not ...
2 votes
0 answers

Extension of a tangent vector field

Let $\Omega$ be an open subset of $S^2$ with $\overline{\Omega} \neq S^2$. Suppose a continuous tangent vector field $G$ is defined on $\partial \Omega$ such that $|G(y)| = 1$ for all $y \in \partial \...
2 votes
1 answer

Subset in $[0,1]^k$ with positive density

Given a positive constant $0<\gamma<1$, does there exists integer $k_0>0$ such that for any integer $k\geq k_0$ the following holds?: For any $A\subseteq\left[0,1\right]^k$ with the measure ...
8 votes
2 answers

Connected components of the boundary of an open subset

Hi! Let f be a (continuous, $C^\infty$... whatever) function from $\mathbb{R}^n$ ($n \geq 2$) to $\mathbb{R}$. Assume that each connected component of $f^{-1} (0; \infty)$ and $f^{-1} (-\infty; 0)$ ...
3 votes
1 answer

Zeros of a function defined on $\mathbb{S}^2 \times \mathbb{S}^2$

Let $u$ be a smooth function on the sphere, and for each $y \in \mathbb{S}^2$, let $R_y$ be the $180^\circ$ rotation about the vector $y$. For each pair $(x, y) \in \mathbb{S}^2 \times \mathbb{S}^2$, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Local embedding and disk in domain perturbation

Consider say $M=(\mathbb{S}^1\times\dotsb\times \mathbb{S}^1)-q$ ($n$-times). Assume that $B$ is an $n$ disk in $M$ (for instance, thinking of $\mathbb{S}^1$ as gluing $-1$ and $1$, the cube $B=[-\...
1 vote
0 answers

Necessary or sufficient conditions for the $k$-fold intersection to be empty in a covering with a "tree structure"

Consider a finite collection of $d$-dimensional balls $\mathfrak{B}=\{B_1,\ldots,B_n\}$ which cover a PL $d$-manifold $M$, i.e. $M=\bigcup_{i=1}^{n}B_i$. Suppose we want to compute the Euler ...
0 votes
1 answer

Relationship between quotient CW-complexes after attaching cells

I have been trying to prove the following simple-looking result which I require for some work in low-dimensional topology. I expect it is likely true and in a textbook somewhere so any reference or ...
0 votes
1 answer

Continuous extensions of tangent vector fields

Let $\Omega$ be an open subset of $S^2$ with $\bar{\Omega}\neq S^2$. Suppose a continuous tangent vector field $G$ is given on $\partial \Omega$ with $|G(y)|=1$ for all $y\in \partial \Omega$. Does ...
0 votes
1 answer

Continuous modification of tangent vector fields

Let $\Omega$ be an open subset of $S^2$, and assume that there exists a continuous tangent vector field $F(x)$ defined on $\bar{\Omega}\neq S^2$ with $|F(x)|=1$ for all $x\in \bar{\Omega}$. Suppose a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Simple convergence of convex compact set implies Hausdorff convergence

I am wondering about the following : In $\mathbb{R}^n$, suppose you are given compact convex bodies $\left\{ C_k : k \geq 1 \right\}$ and $C$, such that for every $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ $$ \mathbb{1}_{...
2 votes
0 answers

$$ \left(\frac{\text{Man}^{\text{fr}}}{\text{Cobordism}},\coprod,\times \right)\simeq \left((\text{Fin}^{\simeq},\coprod)^{\text{gp}},\times\right)?$$ [closed]

If we combine a theorem of Pontryagin and the Barratt-Priddy-Quillen theorem we get that both sides of $$ \left(\frac{\mathrm{Man}^{\mathrm{fr}}}{\mathrm{Cobordism}},\coprod,\times \right)\simeq \left(...
0 votes
1 answer

Let K be a compact set in a surface, U component of S-K, K'=S-U. K has finitely many components. Does every component of K' contains a component of K? [closed]

Let $S$ be a compact connected surface. Let $K$ be a compact subset of $S$ and suppose that $K$ has a finite number of connected components. Let $U$ be a connected component of $S \setminus K$ and ...
1 vote
1 answer

Existence of a Hölder homeomorphism satisfying prescribed norm constraints

Let $\Omega$ be a convex body$^{\boldsymbol{1}}$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$ where $n$ is a positive integer. Fix a positive integer $k$ and some $0<\alpha\leq 1$. Let $k_1> k_2>0$. Does there ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is a simple closed curve always a free boundary arc?

Is it possible to extract a neighborhood around any point on a simple closed curve such that the boundary of this neighborhood intersects the curve at only two points? For a simple closed curve $\...
3 votes
1 answer

When is the Freudenthal compactification an ANR?

Let $X$ be a locally compact metric ANR (or, if preferred, a locally compact simplicial complex). If needed, assume that $X$ has finitely many ends or is of finite dimension. My question is: What are ...
0 votes
2 answers

If a graph embedded on a surface is divided by a curve into a right and left that do not intersect can it be embedded on a surface of smaller genus?

Suppose we have a graph $G$ embedded on a (smooth, orientable etc) surface $Q$. Suppose there is a cycle $C$ of $G$ such that $C$ does not separate our surface $Q$ into two connected regions and ...
1 vote
0 answers

Determine the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces on the right-handed side of this Whitehead tower?

What and how to determine the Eilenberg-MacLane spaces on the right-handed side of this Whitehead tower? Namely, how do we know $$ K(Z_2,1)?, \quad K(Z_2,2)?, \quad K(Z,4)? $$ Naively -- in each step ...
7 votes
2 answers

A generic metric on $X\cup\mathbb Z$

$\newcommand\abs[1]{\lvert#1\rvert}$Let $(X,d_X)$ be a countable metric space such that $X\cap\mathbb Z=\{0\}$. Problem. Is there a metric $d$ on the union $Y=X\cup\mathbb Z$ such that $d(x,y)=d_X(x,...
1 vote
0 answers

Can a closed null-homotopic curve be filled in by a disc?

Let $U\subseteq\Bbb R^n$ be an open set and $\gamma\subset U$ a closed null-homotopic curve in $U$ (i.e. it can be contracted to a point). Then is there an embedded disc $D\subset U$ with boundary $\...
8 votes
1 answer

Does the continuous image of a disc contain an embedded disc?

Let $\phi:\Bbb D^2\to\Bbb R^n$ be a continuous mapping of the 2-disc $\Bbb D^2$ that is injective on the boundary $\partial\Bbb D^2=\Bbb S^1$. Does its image contain an embedded disc with the same ...
5 votes
0 answers

Aspherical space whose fundamental group is subgroup of the Euclidean isometry group

Let $M$ be a smooth, compact manifold without a boundary, with its universal covering $\tilde{M} = \mathbb{R}^n$. If there exists an injective homomorphism $h: \pi_1(M) \rightarrow O(k) \ltimes \...
8 votes
1 answer

Given an embedded disk in $\mathbb{R}^n$, is there always another disk which intersects it nontrivially in a disk?

We call an open subset $D\subset X$ of a manifold $X$ an embedded disk, if there exists a homeomorphism $D\cong \mathbb{R}^n$. The precise formulation of the question in the title is as follows: Let $...
3 votes
1 answer

Embedding of half open half closed $n$-set in $n$-space

Let $n\geq 2$. Set $\Sigma= \{x\in \mathbb{R}^n: 1\leq |x|<2\}$. Assume $h:\Sigma \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n$ is continuous and injective. Question: Must $h$ also be an embedding? Some thoughts: $h|...
3 votes
1 answer

Can such a set be simply connected?

$\newcommand\R{\mathbb R}$Let $U$ be an open subset of $\R^2$ such that the point $(0,0)$ is on the boundary of $U$. Let $f\colon[0,1]\to\R^2$ be the path that starts at $(0,0)$ and moves with a (say) ...
5 votes
2 answers

On the boundary of a simply connected set

Let $U$ be an open simply connected subset of $\mathbb R^2$. Let $x$ be a boundary point of $U$. Does then there always exist a continuous function $f\colon[0,1]\to\mathbb R^2\setminus U$ such that $x ...
0 votes
0 answers

Homeomorphism groups on manifolds and topological properties

Let $M$ be a compact $n$-dimensional manifold let $H(M)$ denote the homeomorphism group of $M$. If $n=2$ then $H(M)$ enjoys nice properties such as being an ANR, is locally contractible, separable. ...
18 votes
0 answers

"Next steps" after TQFT?

(Disclaimer: I'm rather nervous that this isn't appropriate for MathOverflow, but given the contents of my question I don't really know a better place to ask something like this.) Recently, I've been ...
47 votes
3 answers

A metric characterization of the real line

Is the following metric characterization of the real line true (and known)? A nonempty complete metric space $(X,d)$ is isometric to the real line if and only if for every $c\in X$ and positive real ...
3 votes
1 answer

A detail in Brown's proof of the generalized Schoenflies theorem

Consider a homeomorphic embedding $h:S^{n-1}\times [0,1]\rightarrow S^n$ and denote $$S^{n-1}_t=h(S^{n-1}\times \{t\}).$$ The generalized Schoenflies theorem states the closure of each connected ...

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