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Questions tagged [geometric-representation-theory]

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12 votes
1 answer

Can the Quantum Torus be realized as a Hall Algebra?

Background The Quantum Torus Let $q$ be an arbitrary complex number, and define (the algebra of) the quantum torus to be $$T_q:=\mathbb{C}\langle x^{\pm 1},y^{\pm 1}\rangle/xy-qyx$$ For $q=1$, this is ...
Greg Muller's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Weil's theorem about maps from a discrete group to a Lie group.

Let K be a group (with discrete topology), G be a Lie group. Let $\operatorname{Hom}(K,G)$ be the space of all group homomorphisms from K to G. This is a closed subvariety of the space of all the maps ...
Ilya Grigoriev's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Is there Grothendieck Riemann Roch for abelian category?

From the answers in noncommutative algebraic geometry, one can take abelian category as a scheme(commutative or noncommutative). So I wonder whether anyone ever developed the Grothendieck Riemann Roch ...
Peter Lee 's user avatar
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32 votes
1 answer

What is the Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formula for the flag variety of a Lie algebra?

If we have a finite dimensional Lie algebra g, then the flag variety of g is a projective scheme. My question is what is Hirzebruch-Riemann-Roch formula for this projective scheme? Are there any ...
Peter Lee 's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can one calculate Ext's between microlocalized perverse sheaves/D-modules using topology?

So, I know one really good technique for calculating Ext's between perverse sheaves/D-modules using topology: the convolution algebra formalism, worked out in great detail in the book of Chriss and ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Explanation for Satake correspondence

Some time ago I was told there's an interesting classical Satake correspondence which I will write as $$[\mathop{\mathrm{disk}} \Rightarrow G] \,\backslash\, [\mathop{\mathrm{disk}^\times} \...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Beilinson-Bernstein and Koszul duality

For geometric representation theorists down here. Consider the Beilinson-Bernstein theorem: Functor of global sections establishes the correspondence between twisted D-modules with fixed ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

How to understand character sheaves

There's a well-known series of articles by Lusztig about Character Sheaves. They have important connections to many things in (geometric) representation theory, e.g. 0904.1247 How to understand these ...
Ilya Nikokoshev's user avatar

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