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What's an example of an $n$-step nilpotent Lie algebra whose centre is not $g^{(n)}$?

Let $\mathfrak g$ be a Lie algebra. $\mathfrak g^{(1)}=\mathfrak g$ and $\mathfrak g^{(n+1)}=[\mathfrak g,\mathfrak g^{(n)}]=\mathbb R$-span$\{[X,Y]:X\in\mathfrak g,Y\in\mathfrak g^{(n)}\}$. The ...
enihcamemit's user avatar
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Locally finite positive energy modules generated by singular vectors at positive levels?

This is question is about whether or not certain modules for an affine Lie algebra are generated by their singular vectors. I begin with some background. Backround on affine Lie algebras. Let $\...
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Verma modules and Borel–Weil

Let $\mathfrak{g}$ be a semisimple Lie algebra and fix a root system. Let $\mathfrak{b}:=\mathfrak{h}\oplus\bigoplus_{\alpha\in R^+}\mathfrak{g}_\alpha$. The complex irreducible representation of $\...
lw h's user avatar
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Equivalence of categories of modules over $U(\mathfrak{g})$ on which $Z(\mathfrak{g})$ acts by central characters

$\newcommand{\g}{\mathfrak{g}}$Setting: $\mathfrak{g}$ is a semisimple complex Lie algebra. Here $\chi_\lambda$ denotes the central character corresponding to the action of $Z(\g)$ on a highest weight ...
Fan Zhou's user avatar
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Nakajima quiver varieties for ADE quiver with one dimensional framing

Let $Q$ be a quiver of type $ADE$, $I$ is the set of vertices of $Q$. Let $\mathfrak{M}({\mathbf{v}},{\mathbf{w}})$ be a Nakajima quiver variety for such quiver (here ${\mathbf{v}}=(v_i)_{i \in I}$ is ...
Asav's user avatar
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Nakajima reflection functors and the flavour/framing group action

Nakajima has constructed so-called reflection functors that are isomorphisms between different quiver varieties that have the same framing $\mathbf{w}:$ $$\Phi_{\sigma}:\mathfrak{M}_\zeta(Q,\mathbf{v}...
Filip's user avatar
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Characterisation of even nilpotent elements in $\mathfrak{sl}_n$

Is there a ''nice'' classification of even nilpotent elements in $\mathfrak{sl}_n,$ using the correspondence between nilpotent elements and partitions of n? By an even element, I mean an element $e$, ...
Filip's user avatar
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Kostant's $G$-invariant part in the sym power ring of adjoint representation?

Let $g$ be a Lie algebra, say $sl_n(\mathbb C)$. It is considered as the adjoint representation of $G=SL_n(\mathbb C)$. A famous theorem of Kostant from "Lie Group Representations on Polynomial ...
7-adic's user avatar
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Roadmap to Geometric Representation Theory (leading to Langlands)?

I believe there has been at least one question similar to this one and yet I still think this particular question deserves to have a thread of its own. I'm becoming increasingly fascinated by stuff ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Confusion about Subcategories of Category $\mathcal{O}$

So, in learning about category $\mathcal{O}$ representations of a semisimple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$, I've come across two natural kinds of subcategories, and I think I'm confused about their ...
Alex Zorn's user avatar
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How to characterize the class of $(\mathfrak{g},K)$-modules with a fixed lowest K-type in the framework of D-modules?

Let $G$ be a real semisimple Lie group, $K$ be a maximal compact subgroup. Let $\mathfrak{g}_0$ and $\mathfrak{k}_0$ be their real Lie algebras respectively. Let $\mathfrak{g}$ and $\mathfrak{k}$ be ...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Around the socle filtration of a Verma module

Work in the context of a finite dimensional simple Lie algebra over $\mathbb{C}$. Write $W$ for the Weyl group and $\leq$ for the Bruhat order. For $w\in W$ let $\Delta_w$ denote the Verma module of ...
Reladenine Vakalwe's user avatar