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Have we discovered constructions for natural fractional dimensional spheres?

I have been thinking about a couple different problems in fractal geometry (including I one deleted because it was ill posed) and realize they all depend in a fundamental way on the problem of: Can we ...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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The behavior of an integral related to the inward normal vector near a point of the boundary of a domain

Inspired by this Q&A, I am asking for what kind of non-smooth domains $D$ the following limit $$ \lim_{r \to 0}\frac{1}{m(D \cap B(x,r))}\int\limits_{D \cap B(x,r)}\frac{z-x}{r}\,m(dz) $$ where $...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
2 votes
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Theory of mollifiers on the boundary of a $C^2$ domain

Let $D\subseteq\mathbb{R}^d$ be a nice but not smooth domain, somewhere between Lipschitz and $C^2$. I am looking for a reference on the theory of mollifiers and regularization for functions on $\...
ajr's user avatar
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