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Asymptotical control of the measure of tubes covering subsets of fixed Hausdorff dimension

(A version of this question was posted on math stack exchange) Let $M$ be a $C^1$ submanifold of dimension $n$ of $\mathbb{R}^N$, and denote $\mu$ the standard surface measure on $M$. Consider a ...
Phil-W's user avatar
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The projection of density $1$ point on a rectifiable set

I posted this question on MSE but I received no reply. So I repost this here for better luck. Thank you! Let $\Gamma\subset \mathbb R^N$ be $\mathcal H^{N-1}$-rectifiable. Then we know that $\mathcal ...
JumpJump's user avatar
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Measurability of the union of cut loci along a curve

Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian symmetric space and $\alpha(s)$ be a geodesic. Define $$ U(t)=\cup_{s\in[0,t]}{\rm Cut}(\alpha(s)) $$ as the union of the cut loci ${\rm Cut}(\alpha(s))$ along the curve $\...
Hengchao Chen's user avatar
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Continuity of surface integrals on level sets

Let $\phi:\mathbb{R}^2\to\mathbb{R}$ such that $\phi^{-1}(0)\neq\emptyset$ and $\phi\in C^1(W)$ where $W$ is a compact neighborhood of $\phi^{-1}(0)$, with $\nabla\phi\neq 0$ in $W$. So there is some $...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Differentiation under the integral sign for a $L^1$-valued function (shape derivative)

Let $d\in\mathbb N$; $U\subseteq\mathbb R^d$ be open and $$\mathcal A:=\{\Omega\subseteq U:\Omega\text{ is bounded and open and }\partial\Omega\text{ is of class }C^{0,\:1}\};$$ $E:=\bigcup_{\Omega\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Relationship between volume density and area density

Let $\mu(x)dx$ be a measure in $\mathbb{R}^{2n-2}$, where $\mu$ (a $C^\infty$ and positive function) is the density of the volume in the sense that $\DeclareMathOperator{\Vol}{\mathrm{Vol}} \Vol_\mu(...
SAMIR MAROUANI's user avatar
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If $M$ is a manifold, $x∈M$ and $d(x,ω)=\inf\{t>0:x+tω∈M\}$, does the pushforward of the solid angle measure under $S^2∋ω↦x+d(x,ω)ω$ admit a density?

Let $S^2$ denote the unit 2-sphere, $M$ be a 2-dimensional oriented embedded $C^1$-submanifold of $\mathbb R^3$ with $$d_M(x,\omega):=\inf\left\{t>0:x+t\omega\in M\right\}<\infty\;\;\;\text{for ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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existence of locally translation-invariant Borel measure on Frechet manifolds

It is well known that the only locally finite, translation-invariant Borel measure on an infinite-dimensional, separable Frechet space is the trivial measure. I am wondering about an analogous ...
Erik Curiel's user avatar