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40 votes
1 answer

Implications and consequences of the recent proof of the geometric Langlands conjecture

I am a beginner in mathematical physics and geometric Langlands, having very limited knowledge in both fields so far. The proof of geometric Langlands conjecture is published a few months ago. What ...
Qichang Huangfu's user avatar
12 votes
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Roadmap to geometric Langlands for a mathematical physics student

I am a student of both mathematics and physics, who has recently been studying string theory. My mathematics background is mostly differential geometry (principal bundles, Lie groups, etc.), although ...
Daniel Waters's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

The affine Grassmannian and the Bogomolny equations

In "Electric-Magnetic Duality and The Geometric Langlands Program", Sections 9 and 10, Kapustin and Witten describe certain convolution varieties in the affine Grassmannian (and more ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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