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Global Langlands function fields

Has V. Lafforgue proved the automorphic-to-Galois direction in the Global Langlands conjectures for general reductive groups over function fields? What is the current status, more generally? Related ...
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Reference on Casselman-Shalika formula for GL(n) and PGL(n)?

I am looking for reference on Casselman-Shalika formula for GL(n) and PGL(n) at finite place p.
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Why is the Arthur trace formula so powerful?

Considering the Arthur trace formula, why are the sort of convolution operators, whose "normalized traces" are given in geometric terms and spectral terms, actually able to distinguish all ...
Marc Palm's user avatar
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Why is the simple trace formula a weaker tool than the Arthur trace formula?

What are some concrete examples of theorems which can be deduced from the Arthur trace formula, which do not follow from the simple trace of Kazdhan and Flicker? (So I do not mean weaker in the sense ...
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