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Smooth unipotent algebraic groups over $\mathbb A^n$

Let $G\to \mathbb A^n_{\mathbb C}$ be a smooth morphism whose fibers at any point of $\mathbb A^n$ are unipotent groups. Can we conclude that $G\simeq \mathbb A^{n+N}_{\mathbb C}$ for some $N$, as a ...
W.Rether's user avatar
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What is an Oper?

Given a curve C, and a reductive group G, there is a moduli stack Loc_G(C), the stack of G-local systems. I keep reading that there's a substack of "opers" but am having trouble locating a definition....
Charles Siegel's user avatar
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Langlands Dual Groups

Can someone explain, explicitly, how to, given a reductive complex algebraic group construct the Langlands dual group? I know it is a group with the cocharacters of G as its characters, but how does ...
Charles Siegel's user avatar