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Relationship between vector bundles and modules

THE GROTHENDIECK RING IN GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY - M.F. ATIYAH §1. The Grothendieck ring in homotopy theory I am going to be talking about vector bundles, i.e. fibre bundles with fibre a vector space ...
Abel 's user avatar
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How big is the complement of stable locus $\operatorname{Bun}G$

Let $\Sigma$ be a smooth projective curve, and $G$ a reductive group. Let $\operatorname{Bun}G$ be the stack of principal $G$ bundles on $\Sigma$ (with a fixed topological type). What is the ...
Chan Ki Fung's user avatar
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Vector bundles on quotient variety

Let an algebraic group $G$ act on a complex variety $X$ such that there is a good enough quotient $X/G$ (for example, $G$ acts on a vector space $V$ linearly and $X=V_{ss}$ is a variety of semi-stable ...
evgeny's user avatar
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How does one show that slope stability of a vector bundle is an open condition with respect to the polarisation?

I would like a source for the following result, which I expect to be true (probably well known): Let $X$ be a complex projective variety, $L$ an ample line bundle and $E$ a slope stable vector bundle ...
Kähler Interests's user avatar