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GIT quotient and orbifolds

Let $G$ be a connected complex reductive group. Suppose $G$ acts on a smooth complex affine variety $X$. Assume the stabiliser $G_x$ of every point $x\in X$ is finite. Is it true that $X/\!/G$ is an ...
4 votes
0 answers

GIT quotient of a reductive Lie algebra by the maximal torus

Let $G$ be a connected complex reductive group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$. One knows a lot about the GIT quotient $\mathfrak{g}/\!/G$: the invariant ring is a free polynomial algebra on $\mathrm{...
11 votes
1 answer

An easy textbook for geometric invariant theory and moduli space which makes use of scheme theory

I would like to study geometric invariant theory and moduli theory. It seems that a standard textbook for these fields is "Geometric Invariant Theory" written by D.Mumford, J.Fogarty and F....
1 vote
0 answers

When the action of reductive group on algebraic variety is not equidimensional?

I saw the question When is an almost geometric quotient flat? which said "The quotient $\pi$ is flat if and only if $\pi$ is equidimensional and $X$ is smooth". I am curious is there an ...
8 votes
0 answers

Stability of nodal hypersurfaces

We denote by $\Pi_{n,d}$ the space of homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$ in $n+1$ variables $x_0,\ldots,x_n$, i.e. $\Pi_{n,d}=\Gamma(\mathbb{P}^n(\mathbb{C}),\mathcal{O}(d))$. The group $G=SL(n+1)$ ...
11 votes
2 answers

Invariants of $\mathrm{GL}_n$ representations

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $V=\mathbb C^n$ be the natural representation of $\GL_n(\mathbb C)$ and let $W=\operatorname{Sym}^2(V)$ be the symmetric square representation. Let $W^k$ denote the ...
3 votes
0 answers

A good stratification of a variety on which an algebraic group acts

Let $X$ be an algebraic variety over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic 0 (a reduced separated scheme of finite type over $k$). Let $G$ be a connected linear algebraic group over $k$ (...
4 votes
1 answer

Is quotient of projective scheme over arbitrary base by a finite group also projective

This question probably follows from standard geometric invariant theory. If true I'd to know a reference for it. Given a projective scheme $X\rightarrow S$ over the base $S$. Let's assume a finite ...
5 votes
0 answers

Pseudoreflection groups in affine varieties

Suppose $\mathsf{k}$ is an algebraically closed field of zero characteristic. Chevalley-Shephard-Todd (C-S-T) Theorem in one of its equivalent versions is the following result: (C-S-T): Let $G$ be a ...
6 votes
1 answer

Preparation for GIT (Geometric Invariant Theory)

I am trying to read Mumford's Geometric Invariant Theory, however, I find my knowledge in algebraic geometry is inadequate. My knowledge is at the level of Hartshorne's Algebraic Geometry. Mumford ...
3 votes
1 answer

When is an almost geometric quotient flat?

All varieties here are over $\Bbb C$. Let $G$ be a reductive algebraic group acting algebraically on affine $n$-space $\Bbb A^n$. Let $R$ be the coordinate ring of $\Bbb A^n$. Assume that the natural ...
3 votes
1 answer

How does one show that slope stability of a vector bundle is an open condition with respect to the polarisation?

I would like a source for the following result, which I expect to be true (probably well known): Let $X$ be a complex projective variety, $L$ an ample line bundle and $E$ a slope stable vector bundle ...
3 votes
2 answers

Intersection theory for $G$-varieties - an action on the chow ring?

Let $G$ be a reductive algebraic group. Let $X$ be a $G$-variety and consider any closed subvariety $Z$ of $X$. Since any $g\in G$ acts as an automorphism, we know that $g.Z$ is again a closed ...
1 vote
1 answer

invariants of plane quartics

Does anybody know a good reference where the invariants for plane quartic curves are developed?