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Braid groups and Kazhdan's property (T)

In Nica's dissertation Group actions on median spaces, we can read the following assertion: Braid groups do not contain infinite subgroups satisfying Kazhdan's property (T). This is used in order to ...
AGenevois's user avatar
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Surface groups and non separating loops

QUESTION: Let $g \geq 4$, $S(g)$ be the fundamental group of the genus $g$ surface, and $G$ be finitely generated (the number of generators $\leq 3$) group with abelianization of rank less than equal ...
Thom's user avatar
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Finite normal subgroup of mapping class group

Let $\Sigma$ be a finite-type orientable surface with negative Euler characteristic, and $\mathrm{Mod}(\Sigma)$ denote the mapping class group. What are the finite normal subgroups in $\mathrm{Mod}(\...
YC Su's user avatar
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Generalized Birman exact sequence for surfaces with boundaries

Let $S_g^n$ be a surface of genus g with n boundaries and let $Mod(S_g^n)$ be its mapping class group. We will also denote by $S_{g,m}^n$ a surface of genus g with n boundaries and m punctures. The ...
Philippe Tranchida's user avatar
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Finiteness properties of mapping class groups

Question: Is it known if the mapping class groups (of surfaces of finite type) are similar to Gromov-hyperbolic groups in the following senses: 1) Does every finite generating set give us a finite ...
Mehdi Yazdi's user avatar
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The action of the mapping class group of a punctured disk on the boundary at infinity of the universal cover

Let $\mathbb{D}\subset\mathbb{C}$ be the unit disk, and remove $n\geq 2$ of its points $P$. The resulting object will be called the punctured disk $\mathbb{D}_n$ in the following. I am interested in ...
azureai's user avatar
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Automorphism groups of cocompact Fuchsian groups as mapping class groups

Let $\Gamma$ be a cocompact Fuchsian group. So it has presentation $$\langle x_1,y_1, \dots, x_g,y_g,z_1, \ldots, z_r \mid [x_1,y_1] \cdots [x_g,y_g]z_1 \cdots z_r=1, \ z_i^{m_i}=1 \rangle$$ for some $...
AGenevois's user avatar
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Image of the mapping class group of surfaces into automorphism group?

Let $S_{g,p}^n$ be a compact oriented surface of genus $g$ with $p$ punctures and $n$ boundary components, and $\operatorname{Mod}(S)$ and $\operatorname{PMod}(S)$ be the mapping class group and the ...
qkqh's user avatar
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How do Dehn functions of special linear and mapping class groups behave?

Hi, I apologize for the basic questions. I am looking for good references on the following problems: 1) What is known about the Dehn function of $SL_n(\mathbb{Z})$? 2) What is known about the Dehn ...
someone's user avatar
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What is known about the map $\text{Mod}_g^1 \rightarrow \text{Aut}(F_{2g})$?

Follow up question, edited in on 12/20 below: Letting $\text{Mod}_g^1$ be the mapping class group of a surface with one boundary component (and basepoint on the boundary) and identify its fundamental ...
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