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Geodesics between boundary points of a hyperbolic space

Let $X$ be a (not necessarily proper) hyperbolic space. Following Gromov, we define the boundary of $X$ as the set of equivalence classes of sequences convergent at infinity. In general, it is not ...
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Volume growth of balls

Let $G$ be a locally compact group and $K\subset G$ a compact subgroup. Suppose that on the homogeneous space $X=G/K$ we have a $G$-invariant proper metric $d$. For $R>0$ let $B(R)$ be the open ...
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Historical perspectives on CAT(0) spaces

Does there exist a survey on the early developments of CAT(k) spaces, with the first motivations and the first problems considered? I looked at Bridson and Haefliger's book On metric spaces of non-...
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Ends of a negatively curved Riemannian manifold

Let $M$ be a complete Riemannian manifold. Let us use the standard definition of "end", for example, as in this article. If $M$ has non-negative Ricci curvature, it is well-known that it has ...
Math_Learner's user avatar
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Reference for Varopoulos isoperimetric inequality with multiplicity

The Varopoulos isoperimetric inequality for a bounded domain $D$ in a nilpotent group $\Gamma$ of growth $n$ reads $$ \# D \le \mathrm{const} \cdot (\#\partial D)^{n/(n-1)} $$ See Ch. 6.E+ in Gromov's ...
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