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Pareto-optimal front $F$ in $m$-dimensional space can not have more than $\mathbf{H}_{m-2}(F)$ homology groups

I need to prove that a Pareto-optimal front $F$ in $m$-dimensional space (i.e. $m > 1$) can not have more than $\mathbf{H}_{m-2}(F)$ homology groups. What it simply means that in a 2-dimensional ...
ramgorur's user avatar
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Li-Yorke sensitivity Vs Li-Yorke dense chaos

Let $X$ be a compact metric space, $X*X$ its cartesian product, and $A$ a subset of $X*X$. Are the following two properties the same, or e.g. one is stronger than the other? $A$ is dense and residual ...
Lo Scrondo's user avatar
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Why the name 'regular' space?

It is well known that a regular space is a topological space $X$ with these two properties: 1)All one point sets are closed. 2)For every $x\in X$ and every closed set $B$ (such that $x\notin B$), ...
mahdi meisami's user avatar
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a lemma on interval translation map

Consider the map $S:T^1 \to T^1$ where $x \mapsto x+c_j$ , mod 1 where $c_j$'s are real numbers. We represent $T^1$ as a union of disjoint subsegments $M_j=[t_j,t_{j+1})$, $j=0 , \cdots ,n , t_0=t_n$....
Reza Yaghmaeian's user avatar
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Left-side cosets of an open subgroup

Let $G$ be a topological group and $H$ its closed subgroup. $K$ and $L$ are open subgroups of $G$ and $H$ respectively. Let $g_{1}, g_{2}\in G$. We assume $L\cap g_{1}K\neq \emptyset$ and $L\cap g_{2}...
M masa's user avatar
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A topological space whose connected components are locally connected

We say that $X$ is locally connected at $x$ if for every open set $V$ containing $x$ there exists a connected, open set $U$ with $x\in U\subseteq V$. The space $X$ is said to be locally connected if ...
Alberto's user avatar
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Can the infinite jungle gym surface be expressed by an exhaustion of compact surfaces with one boundary component?

Is it possible to write the infinite jungle gym surface as the increasing union of compact surfaces whose boundaries consist of only one simple closed curve? I believe that this is true. This surface ...
Fernando Oliveira's user avatar
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Completness of strong operator topology on norm-bounded sets

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space and $B(H)$ the space of bounded linear operators on $H$. It is know, that the strong operator topology is metrizable on norm-bounded sets of $B(H)$. My question is,...
Daniella Dannell's user avatar
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Question on existence of almost length-minimizing curve in a general domain?

I have the following question: for a general domain $\Omega$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$, is it true that for each pair of points $x,y\in \Omega$, there exists a curve $\gamma$ connecting $x$ and $y$ in $\Omega$...
Math-Physics's user avatar
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Let $S$ be a surface, $K$ compact in $S$ with finitely many components. Does the frontier of a component of $S-K$ have finitely many components?

Let $S$ be a connected surface and $K$ a compact subset of $S$ with finitely many connected components. Let $U$ be a connected component of $S-K$. Does the frontier of $U$ in $S$ have finitely many ...
Fernando Oliveira's user avatar
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Intersection of zero sets of continuous functions

Let the zero sets $F=\{x \in \mathbb{R}^n: f(x) = 0\}$, $G = \{x \in \mathbb{R}^n : g(x) = 0\}$, where $f$ and $g$ are $m$-dimensional real, analytic, continuous, and nonlinear vector functions. Under ...
Chris's user avatar
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Is this topology on $\mathbb{Q}$ well studied?

Let $\|\cdot\|_p$ denote the $p$-adic norm on $\mathbb{Q}$. For the whole set of primes $P$ consider the topology which is generated with prebase of open sets $V_{p,\varepsilon}(x) = \{y\in\mathbb{Q} :...
solver6's user avatar
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Problem of Thickening an Arc in a Topological $ 2 $-Manifold

Let $ M $ be a topological $ 2 $-manifold (possibly with boundary), $ C $ an arc in the interior of $ M $ (i.e., an injective continuous function from $ [- 1,1] $ into $ \operatorname{Int}(M) $), and $...
Transcendental's user avatar
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Critical Growth of Dimension for Dense Cover by Linear Subspaces

Let $X$ be a separable Banach space of dimensional $>2$. When does there exist a sequence positive integers $\{N_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{n}}$ such that For any sequence of distinct finite-dimensional ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Open subset of compact-open topology

Let $E$ be a Banach space, $X$ a locally-compact metric space, equip $C(X,E)$ with the compact-open topology. Let $F:E \rightarrow E$ and consider the induced map $F_{\star}(f):=F \circ f$ on $C(X,E)$...
ABIM's user avatar
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Viewing limit as a map

Question: Let $X$ be a set of functions from $\mathbb{R}$ to itself. Consider the subset $X_0$ of the sequences $(f_n)_{n=1}^{\infty}\in X^{\mathbb{N}}$ for which $$ f_{\infty}(x) = \lim\limits_{n \...
ABIM's user avatar
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Can a quotient space of a locally convex space have finer topology that its domain?

The following is related to this post. Let $X=X'$, as sets, and let $T:X \rightarrow X'$ be a surjective map from a countably infinite-dimensional LCS $X$ to itself and equip $X'$ with the final ...
ABIM's user avatar
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The scalar convergence in $\mathcal{C}(X)$ is topologizable?

Let $(X,\|.\|)$ be a separable Banach space and $\mathcal{C}(X)$ be the collection of all nonempty, closed and convex subsets of $X$. For any $C$ in $\mathcal{C}(X)$ we set $$ s(x^*, C) := \sup_{x\in ...
Made's user avatar
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Can we extend a function from the diagonal matrices to an orthogonally-invariant function on $\text{GL}_n$?

This is a cross-post. Let $g:(0,\infty)^n \to [0,\infty)$ be a symmetric function -i.e. $g(\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_n)$ does not depend on the order of the $\sigma_i$, with $g(1,\dots,1)=0$. We ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Weak topology of Gaussian measures

Let us consider a space of Dirac measures $\delta_{x}$ on a Tychonoff space $X$. I know that this space is homeomorphic to $X$. A space of Gaussian measures (weak topology) on some loсally convex ...
int_integer's user avatar
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Cardinality of the closure of subset of a dense subset

Is the following true? Given a first countable Hausdorff space $X$ and a dense subset $Y\subset X$ which is initially $2^\omega$-initially Lindelöf in $X$. Let $F$ be a subset of $Y$ such that $\vert ...
Victor Gustavo May's user avatar
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Separability of Minkowski Sum of well-behaved sets

Let $A$ and $C$ be non-empty simply connected and connected subsets of $\mathbb{R}^k$ and suppose that $C$ is convex. Then is the Minkowski sum $A+C$ separable?
ABIM's user avatar
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Locally connectedness and accessibility in $\mathbb{C}$

Suppose $\Omega$ to be a bounded area in the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$ with a locally connected boundary $\partial\Omega$, then every point of $\partial\Omega$ is accessible from Ω.Here accessibility ...
Hilton's user avatar
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What is the definition of a prorelation?

In the context of quasi-uniform spaces, what is a prorelation? In the text I'm reading, they're defined as a down-directed upper set on relations X->Y. Now, I'm fine with a down-directed up-set, but ...
4amvim's user avatar
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Generalized compact open topology?

Let $X,Y$ be topological spaces. The compact-open topology on $C(X,Y)$ is generated by the sub-basic open sets $$ \left\{U_{K,O}: \mbox{ K is compact in X and O is open in Y}\right\}\\ U_{K,O}:=\...
ABIM's user avatar
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A characterization for a topological property

Let $X$ be a compact non-Hausdorff topological space. I am looking for a characterization for the following property on $X$: Property: For each non-empty closed subset $C$ of $X$ there exists a ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Show that $\big(s(. |C_n)\big)_n$ is equicontinuous on $X^*$

Let $(X,\|.\|)$ be a separable Banach space with dual $X^*$. $\mathcal{P}_{wkc}(X)$ be the class of nonempty, weakly-compact and convex subsets of $X$. For any $C\in\mathcal{P}_{wkc}(X)$ we define ...
Wer Wer's user avatar
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Coincidence Topologies for $L^p$ spaces

If $X$ and $Y$ are compact metric spaces then it is well-known that the compact-open topology on $C(X,Y)$ coincides with the topology of uniform convergence on compacts. Therefore, the latter is ...
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Mackey topology

Recall that for a Hausdorff locally convex space $X$ the Mackey topology $\tau (X^*,X)$ is the topology in its topological dual $X^*$ of uniform convergence on all weakly compact absolutely convex ...
Wer Wer's user avatar
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Let $f$ be periodic with a continuous image and $a_n = cn$ for some $c > 0$. When is $\{f(a_n)\}$ dense in the image of $f$?

Let $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ be a periodic function with period $T$ and continuous everywhere except perhaps on a countable set, and have an image that's an uncountable subset of $\mathbb{R}$. Let $...
cgmil's user avatar
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A ``1-soft'' improvement of the Parovichenko theorem

This is a ``1-soft'' modification of this problem. We start with the necessary definitions. Definition 1. A compactification $c\mathbb N$ of the discrete space $\mathbb N$ is called 1-soft if for any ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Approximation of Inductive Tensor Product $C(X) \bar{\otimes} C(Y)$

The following question is from Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory written by Ronald G. Douglas. Assume both $X, Y$ are Banach spaces and $X \otimes Y$ is the algebraic tensor product. Let ${...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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Are geometric progressions closed in the $p$-adic topology?

For a prime number $p$, the $p$-adic topology on the set $\omega$ of non-negative integers is generated by the base consisting of the arithmetic progressions $x+p^n\omega:=\{x+p^ny:y\in\omega\}$ where ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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A closed subset $B$ of the Hilbert cube such that $\operatorname{Int}(B) = \emptyset$ and $B$ is not a z-set

$\def\cube{\mathbf Q}$Let $\cube$ be the Hilbert cube. Give an example of a closed subset $B$ of $\cube$ such that $\operatorname{Int}(B) = \emptyset$ and $B$ is not a z-set. If anyone has any idea ...
Diego Reyes's user avatar
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Specific property of borelian sigma-algebras

Let X be a set and S a sigma-algebra on X. Let us name borelian sigma-algebra on X a sigma-algebra that is generated by a topology T on X. Given that it is possible for a set X that some sigma-...
Gérard Lang's user avatar
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Cardinal Invariants and Physics

There are many applications of topology to physics, but I wonder if there is a known application of cardinal invariants to physics.
Gerardo Arizmendi's user avatar
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Making a quasi-compact open into an affine open

Let $X$ be a spectral topological space, $U\subset X$ be a quasi-compact open subspace. Is there necessarily some scheme structure on $X$ (we do not require it to be affine) such that $U$ endowed with ...
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A scheme whose underlying space is the product of the underlying spaces of schemes

We know that the product of two spectral topological spaces is spectral. If $X$ is the underlying space of the scheme $\mathrm{Spec}\,\mathbb{Z}[x]$, what is a simple example of an affine scheme ...
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Grothendieck topology on a scheme equivalent to the circle

Suppose a class of morphisms of schemes is reasonable enough so that we can associate a small site to any scheme (just like small étale site). Is there a simple class of morphisms such that there is a ...
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A retract algebraic subset of the plane which does not admit an algebraic retraction

What is an example of an algebraic (=Zariski closed) subset $C$ of $\mathbb{R}^2$ which is a topological retract of $\mathbb{R}^2$, but there is no algebraic retraction $P:\mathbb{R}^2 \to C$? What ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Does the total space of a bundle satisfy the Tietze extension property when the fiber and base space do satisfy this property?

We say that a Topological space $Y$ satisfies the Tietze extension propery, TE property, if in the formulation of Tietze extension theorem "$\mathbb{R}$" can be replaced by $Y$. Obvioysly the ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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A new generalization of the dimension?

During my research, I came a cross on these notions : Definition 1: A structure $S$, is a pair $(X, \mathcal T)$ with $X$ a set and $\mathcal T$ a set of subsets of $X$, stable by arbitrary ...
Dattier's user avatar
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continuous map from $\mathbb R$ to $\mathbb R^2$ that send any convex on a convex [duplicate]

Let $f$ be a continuous fonction from $\mathbb R$ to $\mathbb R^2$, such that for any $a<b\in \mathbb R,\,\, f([a,b])$ is convex. Is there a line $D\subset \mathbb R^2$ such that $f(\mathbb R)\...
jcdornano's user avatar
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Can we express separability of a ray-remainder in terms of the function algebra?

Let $X = [0, 1)$ be a ray and $C(X)$ the algebra of bounded continuous real functions. The spectrum of $C(X)$ is the Stone-Cech compactification $\beta [0,1) $ of the ray. It's easy to see the ...
Daron's user avatar
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Open subsets of the n-torus containing no nontrivial loops

Let $T^n$ denote the $n$-dimensional torus. Suppose there is an open subset $U\subset T^n$ not containing any nontrivial loop. Does this imply that the inclusion $U\hookrightarrow T^n$ is ...
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Is there any concise sufficient condition for the dual space to have Kadec property?

A normed space $E$ has a Kadec property if the norm- and weak topologies coincide on the unit sphere of $E$. Kadec-Klee property if any sequence on the unit sphere, that is weakly convergent is also ...
erz's user avatar
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Under what conditions on $\mu^{\beta}$ we have $L_1(\beta X,\mu^{\beta})$ isometrically isomorphic to $L_1(X,\mu)$?

Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space, $\beta X$ its Stone-Cech compactification and $\Delta: X\to\beta X$ the inclusion map. Given a Borel probability measure $\mu^{\beta}$ over $\beta X$, is ...
Leandro's user avatar
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short exact sequence of profinite groups

Let $A\rightarrow B\rightarrow B/A$ be a short exact sequence of topological groups. Is it true that if there exists a continuous function $B/A\rightarrow B$ (of underlying spaces) such that the ...
Ofra's user avatar
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Topology of sets given by semi-continuous functions

$M$ is a compact space. Assume $f$ is upper semi-continuous on $M$, $g$ is lower semi-continuous on $M$, and $f(x) \geq g(x)$ for any $x\in M$. If $f(x_0) = g(x_0) $ for some point $x_0\in M$, Then $...
Xifeng Su's user avatar
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A topology on the product space of Euclidean space and smooth functions space

I'd like to know if there is a well-known topology on the space $S := \mathbb R \times C^\infty(\mathbb R)$, such that $(x_n, f_n) \to (x, f)$ in $S$ with respect the topology is equivalent to $$(x_n,...
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