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Sum of independent Wisharts

Suppose random vectors $y_1,y_2,\ldots,y_m$ are independent and the distribution of each $y_i$ is a $d$-dimensional complex Gaussian with mean $0$ and covariance $\Gamma_i$, that is $y_i \sim \mathcal{...
user3826143's user avatar
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Comparison of Rademacher and Gaussian moments under linear transformations

Let $X$ be an $n$ dimensional standard Gaussian and let $U$ be an $n \times n$ orthogonal matrix. Then, the random vector $Z = U^\top X$ is also distributed as a standard Gaussian in $R^n$ and we have ...
brownianmotion's user avatar
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Multiplying a log-concave function to a Gaussian probability density reduces its variance

Let $X$ be a random Gaussian vector with probability density $p_X(x)$. Let $Y$ be the random variable with density proportional to $p_X(x)e^{-g(x)}$ for some convex function $g$. Does it hold that $$ ...
reexpi's user avatar
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Approximate logarithmic bound on expected maximum via central limit theorem

If $Z_i$ are standard normal, possibly dependent, one can show that $$E\left[\max_{i=1,...,M} Z_i^2\right]\leq 3\ln M + 1.$$ I'm looking for a similar (asymptotic) bound for asymptotically normal ...
Dasherman's user avatar
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Show that $M_X(t) = 2 E \left[ e^{tX} \Phi( aX-t) \right], \forall t \in \mathbb{R}$ iff $X$ is Gaussian

Let $M_X(t)$ denote the moment generating function of a random variable $X$. Now suppose that the following expression holds: for a given $a>0$ \begin{align} M_X(t) = 2 E \left[ e^{tX} \Phi( aX-t) ...
Boby's user avatar
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Moments of a Normal-Wishart distribution

Do known expressions exist for the moments of a gaussian-wishart (aka normal wishart) distribution? $$NW(\mu,K\mid\mu_0,\lambda_0, v, W) = \frac{|\lambda_0K|^{1/2}}{(2\pi)^{d/2}}e^{-0.5([\mu - \mu_0]...
ejlouw's user avatar
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