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Galois group of shimura varieties with different level structure

Let $(G,X)$ be a shimura data, and $K$ an open compact neat subgroup of $G(\mathbb A_f)$. Suppose $K'\subset K$ is open and normal, then, I see in many references that the finite etale cover $Sh(G,X)_{...
3 votes
0 answers

Simplification of links between idele class group and étale cohomology

I posted this question over on stack exchange and was told it would work better here. For interest I have been looking at links between class field theory and étale cohomology. Let $k$ be a global ...
5 votes
1 answer

Does the étale topos determine the Hodge numbers?

Does the small étale topos of a smooth proper variety over a perfect field of positive characteristic determine its Hodge numbers? We consider it as a Grothendieck topos over the étale topos of the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Galoisian perspective on local system tamely ramified along a smooth divisor

This question is about (1.7.8) and (1.7.11) in Deligne’s Weil II paper. Let $X$ be a regular scheme and $D\subset X$ a smooth principal divisor cut out by the function $t$. Let $\mathcal F$ be a ...
3 votes
0 answers

Conjugation action of $Gal(\bar{s}/s)$ on the tame ramification group

There is a statement in SGA 7-1 Exposé 1 (P. Deligne, Résumé des premiers exposés de A. Grothendieck, pdf of SGA7-1), (0.3.1): $S$ is a Henselian trait (i.e. the spectrum of a henselian discrete ...
5 votes
1 answer

Frobenius eigenvalues algebraic numbers

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over $\mathbf{F}_q$ and $\overline{X}$ its base change to $\overline{\mathbf{F}_q}$. By Deligne’s Weil I, the eigenvalues of the geometric Frobenius acting on $...
4 votes
1 answer

Interpolation of families of local fields

Let $\Sigma$ be the set of all places of $\mathbf{Q}$. We’ll call, for any $v\in\Sigma$, a local field complete with respect to an absolute value lying over $v$ and of finite degree over $\mathbf{Q}_v$...
11 votes
1 answer

“Algebraization" of $p$-adic fields

Part 1: a single finite place. Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbf{Q}_p$. Does there exist a number field $F/\mathbf{Q}$ and a finite place $v$ lying over $p$, such that for the completion of $...
8 votes
1 answer

Relation between Galois theory and Etale Cohomology

I am a graduate student working on category theory. I am familiar with categorical Galois theory, in the way developed by Janelidze - as described for example in "Galois Theories". I am now trying to ...